Part Two, Chapter 2

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Part Two, Chapter Two

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed

Get along with the voices inside of my head

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath

And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you-

Ivan turned off the radio as he pulled into the diner he ate at every morning. It was small off the side of the road, only five or six customers every morning, usually with the same orders. He liked this place for one thing and one thing only: the waitress.

"Hello hun, what can I get for you today?" Her voice always brightened his mood. He looked up to her, she looked so much like her, Katyusha. Every morning it was like seeing a ghost, but for some odd reason it comforted him to see her there. She had the same short hair, same color, same color eyes, same body type, everything but her voice matched, but even that was in the soft tone she used to talk in. But she wasn't his sister, just some girl working her way through med school, and he knew that... but the term "rebirth" always came up in his mind when he saw her.

"Usual please." Ivan smiled slightly at her.

"Coming up." She grinned then went to do her job. Ivan sat there waiting patiently, putting his hands together and letting out a deep breath.

American officials are still looking for Matthew Williams, Ivan turned toward the TV, who disappeared one year ago... he tried to tune the TV out but he couldn't help but listen, Matthew would be 18 years old, about 5'9, blonde-orange hair, violet eyes, he tried so hard to tune it out, turning back to the counter and watching the works do their job, trying his best to tune it out... but when he heard Alfred's voice, he couldn't stand it anymore, Please! Matthew is like a brother to me, he's our family, please I'm begging you! We're beg-

"Here you are hun," The waitress sat down a coffee and a plate of eggs and a slice of Canadian bacon. Ivan snapped out of his guilty daze and quickly thanked the woman.

He drank his coffee in silence, his eyes glued to the wall, not wanting to look around at any of the faces surrounding him. He lost his appetite  but quickly ate and left money for the bill and generous tip. Back into the truck he went, driving in silence into the woods so close to the diner. He stopped in a small field, next to several other trucks, then got out throwing his coat on, then wrapped his scarf on tighter. He grabbed an axe from the back and followed up the small path up into the woods through the dirt and mud.

He's our family, please I'm begging you! We're... Ivan couldn't get that boy's desperate voice out of his head... its been a year already?... he thought to himself. He knew that was good news though, a year had passed and they still had no trace of them. He figured as much, in America they had his face and info everywhere, while in Canada no one really recognized him. Another American kid missing, it wasn't their problem, especially after a year. He still couldn't believe it though...

He met up with the other men waiting for him, then the yells of timber, the chopping sounds of the wood, the crashing of trees, it all filled the forest. His entire time working, he couldn't help but think how much time had passed... and for what?

When the work day was over, Ivan was one of the first ones to leave. He drove home in silence still, the thoughts taking over his mind. Why did he feel so... guilty? Its not like he just kidnapped the boy, Matthew wanted to leave! But still... it didn't feel right, not one bit. He pulled up home to the small log cabin, only a single light on in the house. Ivan turned the car off, not moving afterwards, only staring at the light. Was this... all worth it?...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2016 ⏰

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