Chapter three

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Chapter Three

You will regret this! I'll steal everything that matters to you! You will be dead inside and out! You'll never touch another human being! You'll never feel emotion! You'll be alone forever! Forever Ivan! You won't even get the chance to die! You'll never be loved like I had! Roma! Do it now!

Ivan jumped awake with the angry voice still echoing in his head. He rubbed his temples then moved his fingers through his short hair, he hadn't had a nightmare like that in a while. He sat back in his chair away from the desk and kept the palms of his hands to his face to cover his eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed, the familiar voice still echoed around the silent study. He remembered that scene like it was yesterday, in his room even. He remembered sitting here writing in his journal like he did each day since his parents died years and years before. He remembered it being as silent as it was now, not even hearing the snow fall outside as it turned to rain, then it was broken by her running in with her eyes full of tears after their argument the night before. He could remember a young man behind her with the strangest blonde hair and the weirdest colored eyes, all hidden under a black cloak; he thought he even saw a fang in the boy's mouth but he seemed stupid to think so. He remembered all of it though. When it was so long ago, he still remembered it clear as day. He would never forget the day that his life forever changed...

Matthew sneaked up the stairs then looked to the first door closet to the stairs. I'm going to die, he thought, so what's the point of being afraid and not even knowing anything about this... monster? Matthew took a deep breath and went through the door. He turned the knob as quickly and quietly as he could and entered the room, closing the door slowly to be quiet. Ivan was down stairs, he had thought Matthew went to bed, so he had a little time for this. He snuck around the room a bit and tried to find any source of light. He actually ran into an heavy object, stubbing his foot on it. He tried not to make a move or a sound after that one, he only hoped Ivan didn't hear it. He stood quietly and still for a moment to make sure Ivan wasn't coming up then walked over a bit to the wall. He almost ran into another object but stopped himself with his hands. He felt up the object, which happened to be a small side table, then up more to find a lamp. He smiled a bit as he turned the lamp on and gave light to the room.

The table was old, the white paint cracking but still dust-clear. The room was lightly pained, the walls looked like it was a light blue but the color had faded, the floor was wooden like the hallway but a light colored rug covered most of it. He looked around a little bit, seeing the bed next to him and the side table, several pillows laying there on top of a blanket that was clearly handmade, stitched with designs of sunflowers. He turned around and looked, seeing a window that curtains covered, a dresser sitting against the wall, a wooden rocking chair in the corner of the room, and a closet. Surely this wasn't Ivan's room right? It seemed so feminine. Matthew walked over to the dresser and pulled the draw out to take a look; overalls? He raised an eyebrow as he looked at it, several pairs of them laid in there with button shirts. He looked down to the next draw filled with headbands and clips. He opened the next one but quickly closed it when he saw double-D bras and underwear. Matthew gulped and his face turned a bit red, definitely not Ivan's room. But then... who's was it? He walked back over to the side table to turn the light off but instead opened the draw of the table, hearing it creak made him nervous though. "Ivan..." he whispered to himself as he took an object out of the draw, a framed photograph.

The picture showed that spooky house in the background, but the lawn was covered in grass not stone. The house was brand new and clean, it was years and years ago. He saw Ivan at the center of the picture, between two girls, one bigger and one smaller. He was so small, young. His face was blank and expressionless as it was now. He was so small though, maybe up to Matthew's waist right now. The little girl was on her tippy toes, holding onto Ivan's arm tightly. He was maybe up to his shoulder, though she was on her toes. She had long white-blonde hair with a blue ribbon on top of her head. She wore a tiny blue and white dress that reached down to her knees where her black socks met up at.

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