Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Everything seemed quiet, not a single sound except for the slight ringing in his ears, probably from hitting his head so hard. He couldn't really feel his body, though he felt himself shivering from a chill throughout his body. He gulped a bit and slowly began opening his eyes to the unfamiliar room. It was practically empty except for the wooden desk and chair in the corner, a bookcase on the side, and a small closet, but it looked like there used to be other furniture in the room, even seemed like there was painting on the walls.He felt something soft under him, something warm on top of him.

He finally managed to open his eyes to the room, noticing the bed he was laying in with the warmest blanket covering over his body. He laid there for a second motionless, even closing his eyes again. Then he realized exactly what had happened… He quickly jumped up panting, He grabbed onto his chest in panic with the thoughts that just maybe the rumors were true, that his heart was stolen or he was dead. But he was breathing, his heart was still there and pounding in fear, he was still alive. He took a few deep breaths before the wound above his eye began aching again and he had to grab onto his head. He moved his fingers swiftly across the wound only to find it was stitched. He looked around a little more and then found his glasses on the nightstand next to the bed and began reaching for them. But the sound of the door knob turning sent a shiver down his spine and he quickly jumped back. He quickly covered the blanket back over himself and laid down, closing his eyes and trying to calm his breathing to make it look as if he never woke up.

He tried his best to keep himself still and breathing easy as the sound of the door opened and footsteps came across the room. He didn't make a sound or move as a cloth moved over the wound on his head. It was a bit cold and he twitched a bit but didn't "wake up". After the cloth was gone, he felt a hand grab onto his arm and pull his sleeve up; he could feel two fingers checking his pulse. He wanted to open his eyes and see who this monster was, but he couldn't do it. He felt his sleeve being pulled back down, heard the footsteps leaving the room, and then the door closed.

He jumped up in the bed and panted, god it was hard to stay that still. That monster touched him, it had him, but something felt strange; the touch was so gentle. He grabbed onto his glasses, looked around the room, and got up against the pain coming from his head and quickly tried to unlock the window. It was no use though, the window's locks were in place and the window was even nailed so there was no way out through that way. He looked around in fear, he needed to get out of here! He went to the door and became very quiet as he grabbed onto the knob and turn it as quietly as he possibly could. He slowly opened the door a crack, trying to make sure it didn't creek, and looked out into the hallway. The wooden floor was covered by a long Chinese rug that reached from end to end, there were several other doors, but he saw the stair case and that's what mattered.

His legs shook a bit but he took a deep breath and pushed himself to go out into the hallway as quietly as he could and headed toward the stairs. He tried looking down the twisted stair case but couldn't see anything because of the way the stair case was made. He gulped a bit and began stepping down the stairs, hearing it creek every few seconds made him freeze and sent his heart pounding. He took another deep breath and carefully made it down, then paused once he got to the bottom. He looked out of the stair case for any sign of this unknown monster but didn't see a thing in the living room. It was dark, everything looked old but never used and completely clean. He didn't know who lived here, he didn't want to find out, and he quickly ran across the room as quiet as a ninja and ducked behind the couch once he heard movement.

He looked toward the door that he believed led to the kitchen as he heard foot steps walk around. He gulped down his fear and looked the opposite way, trying to find the door. He jumped and ran back past the stair case and hid again behind another couch on the opposite side. He heard the kitchen door open and heard foot steps come into the room, Matthew covered his mouth so he wouldn't make a noise and listened as the monster walked toward him. Matthew's body tingled with fear as he heard the footsteps suddenly stop so close to him. He closed his eyes and tried not to make a single noise or even breathe.

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