The Other Side

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September 28th 2015,

In the beginning

I never thought it would be you

I zipped my sweater up. The days were cooling down now, the nights dipping down to just above freezing. My stress was through the roof. Ever since Josh had his freak out, we've all been feeling how dangerous of a situation we were facing. Without thinking much of it, I had made a habit of going out late, and walking along the Sea Wall.

Tonight, I found company.

I walked towards a familiar red headed beauty. "Abigail!" I called.

But we got closer

She turned around, and flashed a flawless smile. "Hey Matt."

As goofy as it sound, when she said my name, I felt a shock of electricity.

Tonight, take me to the other side

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying my best to sound casual-I was afraid I would just come off as awkward.

"Oh, just, thinking," she breathed.

"About what?" I scolded myself. As if the answer wasn't obvious enough. Fortunately, the corner of Abigails lips moved up.

"About a lot of things," she giggled. "Mostly Taylor really. Josh, that poor man," she paused, then whispered, "you."

"Staring out to sea is always a great way to think," I said trying to make conversation. Then it sunk in. Me! She was thinking about me!

Sparks fly like the Fourth of July

"Right. Of course. I've always lived in landlocked states. We had rivers and lakes-but you have to come to appreciate the ocean. It's got that smell to it; that sound. You know? Or am I just freaking you out?"

I didn't know how to answer, so I decided to just laugh it off.

"I guess my concentration has waned. This whole entire thing has me spooked."

"Well, then how about we take a walk? We both seem to be in the same boat. Lets be spooked together," I suggested. I prayed that I wasn't sounding as lame as I felt I was.

"Sure. Why not." She shot me another one of those award winning smiles.

This could be perfect

We walked together, side by side. I could feel the desperate pull in my hand to grab hers, but they were stuffed in her pockets.

"Is it always this cold?" she asked.

"You call this cold? Just wait till December. The weather ranges from polar bear to frozen syrup."

Abigail let out a chiming laugh. "That made no sense Matt."

"Oh sorry. I was speaking Canadian there. What I really meant to say was we should hang out more in the daytime. Like normal people."

"You calling me strange?" she teased.

"I'm calling you pretty."

She smiled big, and nervously tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're pretty too."

But we won't know unless we try

I couldn't help but admire her confidence. "So, Abigail. Where are you staying right now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you don't own an apartment here. Obviously you're sleeping somewhere. And if you're not, you are one good looking hobo."

She smiled. "Actually I'm just crashing at a Best Western. I don't have big bucks like you superstars."

I laughed. "I think the only one who's raking in the big cash is Taylor. Then Josh is using all her money on pointless stuff."

Abigail giggled. "Well hey, you must be pretty talented though. You're a guitarist, right?"

"Yeah, I'm also pretty talented at mowing lawns, and reading car magazines."

She laughed. "You'll have to show me your talents sometime. I'm sure you have more."

I gave her a big wink, and a sly smile.

She pushed me. "I didn't mean like that!" she laughed.

"Abigail! You sick minded freak," I joked. "I was talking about my cooking!"

She laughed even harder.

"But I mean, now that you mention it-"

"I don't wanna hear!" she smiled clamping her hands to her ears.

Tonight, take me to the other side

I smiled at the childish gesture. She was so adorable. Unless I was mistaken, we clearly had some good chemistry. I noticed, despite her jacket, she was shivering. I immediately jumped on the chance.

"You look cold. Here, take my sweater." I quickly unzipped it, and draped it over her shoulders.

"Matt, what about you?" she seemed clearly conserned.

"Abigail, I'm from here. I'm used to this. I've conjured up some Canadian immunity to it. Don't worry about me," I reassured her.

She accepted it, although she still seemed a bit doubtful.

And I know, we ain't friends anymore

We walked side by side, mindlessly lost in conversation. I sighed inwardly when we made it to her car.

"Now, about this living condition. I can't let you live all alone in a hotel. Come to my apartment," I suggested.

She looked up at me, all confidence in her eyes, gone.


"Come on Abigail. You shouldn't be on your own during this. Neither of us should be. It's not a problem, really. Trust me, I've been in a lot of hotels. Best Westerns kind of suck."


"No buts. At least, think about it?" I prayed I wasn't freaking her out. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

If we walk down this road

We'll be lovers for sure

Slowly, a smile spread across her face. "Ok. I'll think about it. Thank you, Matt." She stepped forward on her tip toes, and planted a kiss on my cheek.

I prayed so hard that she couldn't see my beat red face in the dark. Silently, I was shouting FUCK YES in my mind. I let a big stupid smile spread across my face.

So tonight kiss me like it's do or die

She climbed in, and started up her car. She waved, and I returned it as she drove away. As soon as her car was out of sight, I began freaking out.

"YES! HAHA YES! SWEET BABY JESUS SHE LIKES ME I SWEAR!" I screamed as I danced and jumped around. "FUCK YEAH, FUCK YEAH, FUCK YEAH!" I pranced in place. Doing something along the lines of the Lawn Mower.

This was the beginning of something new. Maybe the world wasn't such a dark and scary place; you just had to wait for something tragic to feel magic.

As bad as that sounded, I couldn't help the elation rising in my chest.

And take me to the other side

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