Someone Like You

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A/N: In celebration of Taylor's 24th birthday, y'all will be getting not one, but two updates!

Now, I hope you guys didn't forget about Matt's little situation, because here he is!



October 10th 2015,

I opened my laptop, and opened up google. I clicked on the search bar, and typed in twelve letters.

N-i-c-o-l-e A-r-b-o-u-r

I moved my cursor to the images, and loads of unfamiliar pictures popped up. The last time I saw her face, was six moths ago. Six months ago, was the last time I truly felt happy - until Abigail came along. Unfortunately, that too had been a wasted opportunity.

I heard that you, settled down

It hurt me a lot, to see Nicole smiling so brightly in all these pictures. It was like she had nothing haunting her. She had a perfect life, and was happy.

All communication with her was gone. She changed her number, her e-mail, she blocked me on Instagram. She even made her twitter private, and refused to let me follow her.

From the web Instagram, I pieced together that she lived with a man. In fact, she stopped her career to be with him. Did that mean he was better than me? He could provide for her-was he some filthy rich bastard? Probably, considering they met on some tropical island.

That you found a boy; and you're married now

What stuck me the most, was the picture of the ring on her finger. It was huge, and sparkly. The caption hurt me the most:

Eep! The man of my dreams just asked me to complete his fairytale - life could not get better. I love you to the moon and back Kevin!

Wasn't I once the man of her dreams? Weren't we once in love, never seeing any other eyes but each others. Facing the world together. My heart belonged to her. That was my dream; to one day ask her hand in marriage. I had the idea brewing in my head once Taylor and Josh got engaged. I had even mulled the idea over with Josh - I guess I was too late.

I heard that your dreams came true

I guess I just didn't give her the things she needed. I wasn't there enough. I couldn't support her when she needed it.

I opened up tumblr, and searched her name in a tag. Many photos came up - ones that even included me. But what caught my eye, was an anonymous picture of her out in public. She was mostly covered by people, but I could clearly recognize her face under the sunglasses she wore. All that didn't matter however. What did matter, was that I recognized the place.

Old friend, why are you so shy? Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light

She was standing in front of a salon, just a few blocks from my apartment. It looked as if she was walking into it. The picture said it was from today.

I shot up, knocking my laptop over. I needed to see her. I needed to find her and win her back. Couldn't be too hard right? Although, I didn't even know the reason why she left. Perhaps I would find that out today.

I ran towards the door, grabbing a hoodie on the way. I rushed down the hall, and anxiously stood in front of the elevator. When the doors opened, I flew inside, and smashed the bottom button.

Fortunately, the elevator never stopped, and I arrived on the ground, alone. I ran out of the building, and in the direction of the salon. I pushed past people, giving their grunts of complaint a quick pant of sorry. I weaved through the busling crowd, but stopped when I ran straight into a person, and almost knocked her into the oncoming traffic.

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