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A/N: Tada! Two updates in one day. Don't you just love me? And here is the first and probably only time you will have Abigail's POV in this story. It almost feels refreshing to have multiple POVs in one chapter.

I also apologize for how weird this was written. But I really wanted to incorporate this song, because of how well it works with this story. It's called 'Picture' by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow.



October 15 2015,

Been living my life in a slow hell

For the first time in a while, I woke up without a headache. The second thing I noticed, was I could see. The room wasn't dark and damp. It wasn't cold and empty. Instead, it was warm and stuffy-I was somewhere else.

I sat up in the bed, taking in my surroundings. The bed wasn't exactly comfortable, but it was better than that horrible chair. There was a window on the wall across from the door. I walked towards it. I noticed it was unlocked and I opened it up. The sudden wave of cool air filled the stuffy room, and instantly, I felt relief. The fresh air was delicious compared to the blood and sweat that had been the previous smells swirling in my nose.

I looked around at the outside world. It seemed like it had been decades since the last time I was in it. Because I had been hidden in the dark all day and night, I had no way of knowing how much time had passed. I was positive I had been gone for over a week, but it was so disorienting not knowing what day or time it was.

I pulled myself onto the little ledge, and sat looking out the window. It was dark-the only light coming from my room. I examined the grove of pine tree's surroundinng the yard. It was impossible to tell how far the forest stretched. I looked up at the sky. I instantlly spotted the Bid Dipper, which led my gaze to the moon. Something tickled the back of my mind when I saw it. A distant memory was there, but wouldn't escape the shadows.

I placed my hand on my abdomin. My stomach was bigger than it used to be. I wondered how far along I was in my pregnancy-or if my baby was even still alive. The thought brought tears to my eyes. What if I had to face this world alone? I had been torn from my family, my friends-life. I had no hope of escape. The only thing that kept me from tipping was my child.

I looked around at my new home. The walls were disturbingly covered with pictures of me-and not just from photo shoots. Some, I could tell were paparazzi, others were from fans at my concerts. But the ones that struck me the most were the personal pictures. The pictures that were out of grasp of everyone.

I got off the small ledge, and walked towards one of the walls. There was not one bare spot. Every space had a picture. Many overlapped, but my face was clear in every picture.

I zoned in on one picture in particular. I was sitting on the floor, with a guitar in my hand, and a piece of paper next to me. I was giving the camera an unimpressed look. A shiver ran down my back. No one should have that picture. It was taken in my own home-a few weeks before I found out I was pregnant to be exact-and it was taken by. . .

I couldn't remember.

I ain't seen the sunshine in; three damn days

Josh's POV

Been fuelin' up on cocaine and whiskey

I sat on the floor, leaning against the bed, looking through photo's. I was staring at one in particular. It was of Taylor. She was sitting in the very spot I was sittingg in now, writing. She wanted the song to be a surprise for me, so she didn't want me to be there. Of course I had to rebel, so I had walked in. She gave me a look that was camera worthy, and I snapped a pic.

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