Chapter 2

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"What if he doesnt like me? I'm not pretty like you."

"You're beautiful and he'll love you, I promise."


Alec and Staria were in her room, sitting at a small table that was covered in drawings and dolls. It hadn't taken Alec long to find her, it seemed all the girls had their own small room, the injured or mentally disabled had rather larger rooms. Staria got anxious around big crowds or new people. She'd improved with her five years in the same place, but she still carries a few tablets that calm her and if things get too bad, a needle to be injected in her neck, therefore knocking her out for about an hour or so. She hasn't had to use it in a couple years, when girl used to make fun of her over everything, Staria had run to the nearest grown up and started bawling her eyes out explaining everything and soon started getting scared being around the girl. She then started to breathe fast and they couldn't calm her down, therefore the woman had no choice.

She'd never had a visitor before either, so when Alec appeared in the open doorway, she quickly took a tablet from inside her pocket and swallowed quickly. Then she saw the runes on his arms and a couple sticking out the top of his v-neck shirt. She never kept up with gossip or went on the Internet much, but she knew this was the Alec Bane. The first shadowwarlock to ever exist, also being a highly powerful shield with his runes still working and the pure coincidence of them sharing their marks. His eyes were the colour of emeralds, with thin black slits in the middle for pupils, whereas hers were a bright and quite threatening ruby red. "Hey there." Alec had said with a comforting smile.

She didn't reply immediately, she was still trying to figure out how this was all possible. "H-hello, you're Alec Bane aren't you? This isn't just one of m-my crazy d-dreams?"

"Yes that's me," he rolled his eyes as if it were a typical answer, "and this is real. You dream about me then? Like all the other girls your age?"

"N-no. I'm not like them. I rarely leave my room. I dream of getting visitors, you it Magno? Happened to be one. But then you left with a look if disgust like all the rest."

Alec felt pity for her, "May I come sit with you? Because I think you're beautiful, and I'm sure Magnus would too."

Staria nodded and apologised for getting his name wrong. Alec walked over slowly and sat in the chair opposite her, glad it wasn't a small childish one. "So why are you in the mental section? You seem like a perfectly normal girl. Well, a perfectly pretty girl." The comment made Staria blush.

She pulled a couple tablets and the needle from underneath her jumper on the floor and held them out, "Anxiety." A lock of her green hair came out from its hiding place in her cap, "excuse my ugly hair...." She tried to tuck it in but then more came out.

"No no, let it fall out." He reached out and took off her cap, her green wavy locks tumbling down to her shoulders. "See? Beautiful. Do you have two marks?"

"No, my mother drunk green paint while drunk and that somehow affected my hair. It should be a dark brown."

"We'll you look lovely either way," Alec looked at her drawings, "these your dreams with a different ending?"

"Yes. Here's the one of you..." She handed over a quite crumpled piece, on it was Magnus, himself, with Staria in the middle, smiling and holding their hands. Then some strange blue blur on Magnus' shoulder.

"Well, if Magnus says so I can bring this picture to life. Would you like that?" He genuinely smiled, hoping for a yes.

Staria was silent for a moment. Was the Alec and Magnus Bane about to adopt her? Give her a real childhood than this horrible place where she was trapped inside her room for most of each and every day. It couldn't be real, dreams never come true. She had learnt that the hard way, over and over. She eventually answered with a quiet "yes" which made Alec beam.

While he got his phone out, Staria got up and moved round to him, climbing into his lap and hugging him round his chest and sobbed a little; she was so happy and lucky to. Being the adopted daughter of the most famous gay couple alive. She told Alec how much she wanted to hug Magnus if he liked her.

When Alec hung up, he turned her round and then pulled her against his chest, her legs just barely going over the tip of his knees, her feet dangling above his.

It didn't take Magnus long to arrive, but he didn't know where Alec was. So he texted saying 'get off your tasty ass and fetch me.' Making Alec appear within seconds from across the room, pointing at a sign above him saying 'mental disabilities/ health problem'. Not a nice way of separating the children but they couldn't do much to help with that.

He walked through the double doors and it was extremely quiet all of a sudden, the doors most likely sound proof. Inside each door was a small girl either calmly playing quietly or talking to their dolls. Then some would be pacing the room with a look of sheer terror, anger, fear, the emotions were endless in their eyes. Some would talk to an imaginary friend or be knawing at objects to shape them. None seemed to be using magic of any sort, which was strange. Were they not allowed or was their a special room to go to and practice? 

He bumped into Alec outside a bright blue room with a deep blood red door. Very plain wallpaper, although you could only see the top half of the wall, the bottom half was absolutely covered in hundreds of drawings all of them extremely similar. A small girl in a turqouise dress, with deep ocean green hair and threatening red eyes, holding hands with two adults. Some were men and women, some both of the two, every now and again you'd spot one being a demon or a peculiar colour. "Magnus?" Alec snapped his fingers.

He blinked a few times, "Sorry, the drawings had me completely distracted and-" he turned and saw Alec holding a small girl. The one in the pictures.

He bent down to her height and she cowered further into Alec's side, clutching his shirt. "You must be Staria." he smiled, "no doubt you know who we are?"

She hesitated and handed him the drawing of the three of them. Magnus looked over it and grinned, absentmindedly stroking the page with two fingers. "Alec already said yes?" he looked up, Alec looking down, "because so do I."

At that moment Staria's anxious eyes filled with complete shock and disbelief. Magnus opened out his arms and Staria ran straight into them, gripping his waist tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you. I love you so much already!" she muffled into his shirt, "do I have brothers or sisters? Where do we live? How large is the family? Am I ranting? I don't have anyone to talk to. Although I guess I have you two now!" They both laughed at her excited ranting, Alec kneeling down to hug her from behind.

"Well, actually," Alec said after all the laughing had died down, "Magnus has a little brother in mind? I'll go tell Miss Phillips the things, then we'll come back up to get you ok?" he kissed the back of her head.

"Uh huh! I'll be right here, I'll start packing. I don't have much don't worry!" She let go and ran into her closet, pulling out a small suitcase that had the company's logo on it written in a bright red.

"See you in a bit." Magnus kissed he cheek and left for the elevator. Little did he know Alec was following.

He got in and turned round to press the button when a runed hand got there first making him jump. "You followed me! How were you so quiet?" Alec shrugged.

It would've been a normal silence, if the elevator hadn't made a strange noise and suddenly terrible cheesey music began playing. Oh, so now the music starts playing, Magnus thought, typical. And the elevator was strangely slow, not a good sign. It took about five minutes just to get up four floors, but Magnus shot out as soon as the doors opened. "Magnus! Good news! The boys are awake. They're in there." The woman, who still hadn't said her name, pointed at a set of double doors.

He nodded in response and darted through the doors, immediately spotting Zac. He really didn't look very presentable, but what two year old ever does?

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