Chapter 5

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Alec was squished. He was squished between Jace and his mum whom was also squished by Izzy. For some reason, Magnus was in the kitchen with the children and Simon. Clary was sat with Simon on a seperate sofa while Lupin was doing some charade. Why they were playing charades, no one knew why, but it was hilarious! Jace had held onto a bowl of fruit pretending to do Titanic; Izzy had fallen over a sofa while trying to pull off a far too flexible pose and Clary had crawled along the floor pretending to be Ratatouille looking for food.

Lupin was a big cheat, he didn't do much action more than use magic to create images. They told him not to, but he rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. Maryse ended up winning the point since it was some old show from the 80s which ended the year Alec was born. She only knew it because of Magnus, but only she actually knew that fact.

Inside the kitchen, Magnus was just adding the icing onto Alec's cake. The children were building decorations, Staria making flowers and Zac getting flour everywhere, making blobs of multiple colours. They looked terrible, but from a parent's point of view, it was beautiful seeing them have so much fun. He didn't feel sad about missing out on all the fun out in the living room, that was the plan all along that he prepared all of Alec's favourite foods.

The cake was three tiers high, not on stands on extremely high, just three chocolate sponges of different sizes stacked together with white icing rolled over the top. He decorated the top layer, Staria the 2nd and Zac the 3rd. It looked rather good in his opinion, hopefully Alec thought the same. "Staria?" Magnus asked mid washing worktops.

"Yes, papa?" she finished her final flower.

"Want to go and tell daddy the cake is on its way?" Magnus grinned.

"Okay!" she giggled and ran out, ignoring Magnus telling her to come back and wash her hands first. "Daddy daddy daddy!"

Alec looked round the squish of people just in time to see her running, "sticky fingers!"

Staria leaped onto him, giggling loudly. "Cake's almost ready! Papa's bringing it through!" Alec rolled his eyes, "what?"

"And he let you get away with sticky fingers?" Staria looked down at herself and apologised, "it's okay. Let's go get you cleaned up." Standing, he picked her up and carried her to the cloakroom against his hip.

She sat on the toilet lid while Alec dampened a cloth to clean her face and dress. She was absolutely covered in flour and dried up coloured icing. "What have you three been up to in there?"

"It's a secret." She took the cloth from him and cleaned herself before handing it back.

"You're a big meanie." He pouted while he rinsed it out, "you know what happens to big meanies like you?"


"They get attacked!" He almost threw the cloth at her face and scrubbed vigorously but without hurting her, making her erupt into fits of giggles.

"You're the meanie!" She poked his nose when he picked her back up.

He bounced her a couple times, feeling her weight being almost nothing for a girl of her age. He shrugged the thought of her being younger too was absurd, so he walked back to the living room and sat on the other sofa at which Lupin sat. He was braiding his fringe, "hey, Lupin?"

"Mmmmmm yes?" He grinned and looked up at Alec.

"You gay?"

Lupin's expression turned grumpy. "No, I'm not. Never have been either," Alec shrugged and sat beside him, "is braiding my fringe a gay thing to do?"

"No, no... Maybe. I don't know. You just.. Don't act like a straight guy does, you are so camp and funny it's hilarious."

"I'll explain my tale to you one day, when I trust you enough." He blew out a butterfly made of flames to distract Staria momentarily, "but we're both busy and I have dark, dark secrets. Did you know only one other warlock knows my whole story?"

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