Chapter 6

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Alec woke at about 4am the following morning, feeling almost disorientated and worried for unknown reasons. He never woke in the night unless he had a nightmare; duty calls, business in the bathroom or Magnus was having a fitful sleep, yet none of the above were happening. He felt hot and sticky, probably from his activity only a few hours before. He decided to take a cold-ish shower, the boiler was silent and Magnus was fast asleep- but he couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong, something that made his heart ache.

He got up slowly, careful not to wake his darling husband. Tiptoed into their ensuite and shut the door, pressing the light switch on as he did so. An animalistic screech came from outside the window and Alec froze. He had never heard that noise in his life. Turning slowly, he looked out at the window and saw nothing. All the windows in the house were closed, so whatever it was would not be able to get in. But still, this only increased his worry.

His shower was a slow one, enjoying the feeling of warm water-he had changed his mind about the cold- trickle down his body and make him shiver. It soothed his brain of all worries, his heart thumping at its usual pace with no skips or jumps. He didn't want to get out, but he was awfully tired. Showers didn't wake him up, they put him to sleep. And what better way to fall asleep than in Magnus' arms with his head rested in the crook of his neck that gave him a strong sense of safety, his arms pressed up against the naked warlock's chest.

He dressed in pyjamas for a change, planning to spend the following day in them and playing with the children. The bed was cool from where he had been laying earlier making everything just that extra bit more comfy. Magnus was still sticky, but he didn't mind, it just proved how close they were to each other.

A creak and a squeak. Alec looked over at the doorway and could just about see the outline of the corridor, "guess we've got a haunted house." He rolled his eyes and lay down, snuggling up to Magnus and a loud thump came from the foot of bed. He sighed. "I just want to sleep..."

"Alec..?" Magnus was stirring next to him, "baby wake up... Please..." Alec frowned. He was awake! "No! No!"

"Hey, hey!" He shook his shoulders gently, "it's okay. I'm here I'm here."

Magnus jumped awake and hit Alec in the face with as much force as he could,making Alec gasp in surprise and shuffle away from his now very angry husband. He could feel the blood rushing to his cheek as he got up and out of bed, rather alarmed by Magnus' reaction. Magnus didn't seem to notice as he rolled around in bed groggily, trying to wake up.

Alec got an ice pack from the box they always kept in the bathroom corner; he'd never really understood why since he'd never had to use it, but now he had. And he was grateful. Somehow...

"Alec... What are you doing up?" Alec glanced over at Magnus with a glare, "what? Why is there ice on your face?"

"Because you slapped me!" Alec wanted to shout, but then the children would wake up.

"That was you..? I thought you..."

"Thought what? Who do you think you slapped, in our bed, at home?"

"I thought you were Sebastian. Just because I cleared your mind, does not mean my own is safe and secure. Thought I told you that."

"You did. Doesn't make me psychic," he put the ice back now that he had made it rather numb.

"But why are you up anyway?" Alec shrugged. "You're in pyjamas. You rarely properly wear pyjamas to bed. What's up?"

"Look up and find out." Alec crawled back into bed but didn't cuddle up. "You'll find the ceiling."

Magnus sighed. "I'm sorry for hitting you, not as if you didn't do it to me many times."

"Because you've been what I've been through since I was 18." Alec shook his head, "though you've lived longer, what do I know?" Magnus magicked up a teddy bear and Alec couldn't hide his grin, "but how can I stay mad at you?" He giggled. "Love you."

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