New Friends

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Chapter III

New Friends

B enjamin was the first off the ship. He thought England was the best place in all the worlds and went exploring as son as he helped the men get the goods off the ship.

        He came back later in the evening. He had forgotten all about Dabir and the ship untill he found he was hungry.

        Ben just desighted just to ask Dabir why he hadn't told him everything.

        After dinner Benjamin followed Dabir outside and asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this king stuff?"

      "I thought you knew too young that you would tell someone."

      "Oh," he paused. "And what about my parents?"

      "I never met your parents, but I heard they were killed by some pirates of Saddam."

       Ben was startled by this. He didin't know that pirates were that bad. They were traveling on a pirate ship, and he was friends with every single one on the ship.

      "I know what your thinking, but not all pirates are loyal to the pirate king."

      "What about the others?"

      "The others? Who? Oh, you mean the others in the story. What do you want to know?"

      "How old are they?"

      "They are all younger than you. The boy, Manuel, is fifteen. Narelli is the same age as him and younger by about three monthes. Roxanna, the youngest, is fourteen."                                                                        

      "Why are they choosen?"

      "You know, I've told you this before. One is the wisest, that doesn't mean he chooses to listen to his own counsil, one is skillful, and one is diplomatic. They are said to be the best at ruling the land and sea."

      "When are we to get them?"

      "Now that's more like you, down to the point.

      "We shall wait a few days. Then you will get Manuel. With a little help the girls will come to us."

      "I am done with questions," he said and with that he left.

       Benjamin went to his bed and fell alseep.


       Dabir had told Ben what to do, and if he did it all then he would come back to the ship with Manuel.

       Manuel lived right across the street from the girls' farm. Manuel's house was very big and had stables in the back.

       Dabir told him that Manuel would be in the stables. He was right. Manuel was right in front of him reading.

       Manuel was a little taller then him. With brown curly hair and dark brown eyes. He looked like a prince and realy he was one untill Jasper died.

      "It's now or never," thought to himself.

       Benjamin snuck up behind him and put his hand over his mouth. Manuel took Benjamin's hand threw Benover his shoulder landing him on the ground in front of him.

       Now if he knew Manuel was going to do that, he probaly wouldn't be on the ground.

       Then, while Ben was still stund, Manuel got a horse whip, and sat on him.

       Manuel asked, "Well what do we have here? If your one of Narelli's suitors, she lives across the street. But wait look at you. You look like a pirate. Who are you and why are you here?"

      Benjamin pushed Manuel off of him and stood up.

     "I am a prince and so are you," answered Ben.

     "Ha, I'm not a prince. I'm only the son of duke Tobias. But you don't even look like a lord, let a lone a prince. I ask you again who are you."

     "I'm Benjamin son of ... well i don't know. But you can call me Ben."

     "Okay, so why are you here?"

     "To tell you the truth, I came for you. Do you want to rule the world?"

     "What in the world are you taking about?"

     "This is going to sound weird, but there are other worlds. Don't you want adventure. You're just stuck here all day."

     "Ben I think you need a doctor. My dad has one you could see. Maybe we should go see him."

     "If you don't believe me come talk to Dabir. He will tell you everything. He's a monk."

     "Okay, I'll go see your crazy friend," he said and got his over coat.


      Manuel came out of the room that was now his.

     "Okay, now I believe you," he said going to the table where Ben was sitting.

     "So do you have anything to say?"

     "Yeah, when do we leave."

     "In a few more days," Ben saw that Manuel was confused, so he contiued, "Let's just say we have a little more carrgo." He smiled at Manuel.


      Ben spotted Roxanna right away. She was in a long pink dress with her hair hanging loose.

      He made his way though the crowd to her.

     "Madam, do you need some help?" he asked her.

     "Yes, which ship is the Unusal?' she asked.

      He pointed to the 'Flying Eagle.' "That one."

     "Thank you."

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