Chapter 7 - Finally Out Of Hospital!

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Right it is Thursday and yeah I'm still in hospital.It turns out i have a  minor head trauma which means i have a bump on the left hand side of my head which until its gone i can't leave this bed , I'm very nausea (feeling sick) and get dizzy allot! This sucks!But Louis has been there every day and leaves ever 2 days to go get cleaned up and get clean clothes plus everyday the boys and my girls come over.Turns out Natasha and Liam are close but not going out yeah right that's bullshit.But Harry and Courts are dating ahhh!!! I'm so happy for them and i think Nazmin and Zayn are kind of a thing but I'm not sure.Me and Louis are mates but not as close as we use to be he does everything for me and is concerned for me but hopefully he can try persuade these doctors to let me out of here and let me go home obviously with someone as my carer aka Louis as i have a feeling he isn't gonna leave me alone until he knows its gone.We sit in bed everyday singing to songs I'm not as good as Louis obviously because he is perfect..I mean good ... Shut up! Me and Louis have become close again but we arn't as close as we use to be before .... The incident.

"You don't understand i need to go doc look im fine!!" I jump up and walk round the room in my oncie.

"Look I will be with her everyday and night cause you see I'm best mates with her brother Harry styles."Louis defends me.

"Oh yeah i know Harry Styles I'm a big fan." The doctor says.

"So you will know me , I'm Louis Tomlinson."He says holding his hand out for the doctor to shake.

"Nope i don't know you are you one of the wanted members?"The doc asked him as i fall on the bed laughing oh my god did he just say that.You just see Louis face turn red and he looks well shocked hahahaha.

"No!!I'm a member of One Direction with Harry See... And then I see you on the street ,In his arms, I get weak, My body fails I'm on my knees .. Prayin"Louis sings.

"Oh yeah I already new i just love winding celebs up and being asked if you're a member of the wanted is just an insult to the human race."The doctor states in perfect words then me and Louis look at each-other and burst out laughing .. hahahaha!!!

"Fine i will let you go but as long as you are never left alone for more than an hour!" The doctor gives in the louis buts in before i could say anything.

"Thank you Doc Me and Harry will be with her 24/7" Then looks at me and nods.Oh my god I'm so happy i get to go home!!!

A hour later i am in Louis car on my way home.When we pull up in my drive way and as i undo my seat-belt Louis has already opened my door for me aw how cute is he.When we walk in Louis shouts.

"Harry Chloe's been let home!" Then in 2 seconds him and Courts come running down stairs and dive on me!

"Wow you only saw me yesterday!" I say as i hug Courts.

"Still...So why you been let home early."She asks

"Well i have been let home but it took some persuasion and using Harry as a way of getting out of staying in there another week or so.But there is one condition.I have to be with someone 24/7 and Louis volunteered but he has to go home and see his family and I'm sure he doesn't wanna see my ugly mug anymore."i explain then turn around and add "But thank you millions." and hug Louis.Then turn back around and go upstairs with Louis following me and Courts and Harry in-front of me.Oh its so good to be home!I lean back and fall on my bed then Louis drops the bag!

"Woww watch your head!" He shouts jumping over to catch me.

"I'm fine.You know you can go home." I state.

"Yeah I know but I actually wanna stay with you for abit longer."He says with a smile.

"Well I'm Getting a shower so you can go home whist I'm in there and get fresh clothes or hang with Harry and Courts for abit or sommat."I suggest.

"Yes Boss!" He mocks as he solutes me.

"Don't mock me!" I snap!Then he begins to laugh and gets me a towel from my bottom draw.He does to much for me i swear.

"If you cut me wide open ,There's a love here unspoken ,A heart overflowing ,Dreaming of your kiss

I'm standing here hoping For the moment you say when Touching your skin, giving You kill me every time I would die for you!!!" I sing at the top of my lungs until i realize that I'm not alone in the house and just him to the song then Heart Attack by Demi Lovato comes on and i can't hold it in."You make me so nervous that i just can't hold your hand...."I love the shower because no matter who you are you always sing if you listen to music and the majority of the time you sound bad. I will admit Harry is brilliant at singing but in the shower he does sound kind of bad but shh don't tell him i said that.As i step out of the bathroom Louis is walking up the stairs with a glass of coke and some hot dogs.

"IF I EVER DID THAT I THINK I'D HAVE A HEART ATTACK!!!" He sings when he sees me but his voice crokes at the end of 'ATTACK'.

"FUCK!!! Did you hear me !" I say putting my hands over my eyes.

"Yep but you where good just stand up more straight with your shoulders back." He says then adds more tips as we walk in my room.He places the plate of hot-dogs in the middle of the bed then lied at the end of my bed on his side and said "Dig in bed you're sick of hospital food."whilst he picks up a hot-dog.

"Erm sure 1 second let me just go get changed in the bathroom.Put music on if you want"I say as i exit the room.One im changed in to my minnie mouse oncie and put my hair up in a scruffy bun i get in bed and eat half a hotdog.

"Eat more now!" He commands me.

"I'm not hungry."I lie.

"Tuff! Finish that one then you can leave the rest." he forces me.

"Fine!" I end up finishing it then he fores me to eat another then when we finish there where still 4 hot-dogs left so i took them in Harry's room for him and Courts Then got back in bed and Me and Louis talked for hours and just listened to music for hours too.See this is the friendship i love.We put on Lee Evans and both fell asleep and it didn't feel awkward being in bed with him like at all i guess that's a good sign ey .

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