Chapter 37 - I'm Fine Stop Asking!

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Its been a month since we came home and Harry has been to protective now he won't let me do anything alone.Louis still doesn't know but I am gonna tell him soon as I have put chub on so yeah I'm fat but Louis hasn't said anything.Nazmin hasn't noticed and neither has Zayn or Liam really but Niall always asks how I am and Natasha is with me everyday.

"Chloe I'm going home now I'll be back tomorrow babe."Natasha says."I'll get Harry to come watch you."

"No Natasha!I'm pregnant not ill I don't need looking after okay I've been looking after my self for what over 10 years so just go home chill out and don't bother telling Harry to come in."I reply.

"Okay bye babe."She says for the last time then hugs me and I kiss her cheek then she walks out I have 2 hours sleep then I get woke up by feeling someones warm hands wrap round my stomach.Its Louis.I turn round.

"Hey beautiful!"Louis says looking me in my eyes I kiss his lips and I feel his hand wrapping round my body and I feel fat which is making me feel nervous when his hands trail round my body.When our lips break I sigh.

"Whats wrong babe.Was it that kiss?I'll make it up to you."Louis says offended.

"No,no its just my body is getting fatter and fatter and its putting me down abit this is all cause ...My appetite has picked up and it sucks."I say looking at my fingers and fiddling with them.

"Babe its a good thing that you are putting some weight on and babe you are still gorgeous inside and out.If you was the fattest person on this earth , had no teeth and no hair I would still love you for you."Louis says sweetly.

"Wanna watch a film babe."I say crawling to the bottom of the bed.

"Yeah how about the hunger games?"Louis suggest.

"Hmm"I confirm.

"Terrance come here boy"Louis shouts patting his knees.

"Louis we need to teach him to stop jumping on the bed dogs go in dog baskets or the floor not my bed."I say climbing back in bed then Louis pick Terrance up and dangles him about 10 cm away from my face and says.

"But how can you tell this little fluff ball no and to stay on the floor."

"Fine but just tonight."I say lying down then cuddling up to Louis with Terrance asleep on Louis chest.We go back to school in the morning but my mums watching over Terrance for us and when she goes away in about 3 month I'll be at home and when I go back to collage or get a job when the baby is 1 the dog will be old enough to stay in the house without anyone with him I've been with him everyday for ages its gonna be hard to leave him.

"Chloe come on Terrance will be fine lets go."Louis says.

"I can't leave my baby boy!"I say in a childish voice.Okay that was a lie what really happened was;Me and Louis were about to leave the house and Terrance ran in and tugged Louis by his pants so Louis fell to the floor and said "Aww baby I can't leave you,"In a feminine voice so I said

"Louis come on Terrance will be fine lets go."But Louis reaction was

"I can't leave my baby boy!"in that childish femanin voice.I then drag Louis off his knee's and pull him out off the house then turn and shout

"Mum I'm leaving get Terrance please."

"Right."She shouts down.Oh yeah and what I forgot to tell you is my  mum doesn't know either.DON'T SHOUT AT ME LIKE HARRY DOES!We arrive at school and everyone stares at us.Wait is this cause I'm fat!I open my locker and pick up my art work as I have art first then I hear heels clicking towards me.

"Oh who's this oh wait its Chloe yeah heard your fat now."I hear Zoe's voice.

"And its shit to see your heads still up your arse!"I say slamming my locker.

"Wow Chloe why are you wearing pumps and not heels oh yeah your that heavy the heel broke."Zoe sniggers.I walk forward before Harry notices me clenching my fist and walking forward and he genitally and playfully pushes Louis and they both look at me then run over.

"Zoe move away from her now"Harry says putting his arm infront of me guarding me from her.

"Harry move."I snap.

"Chloe Don't !"Niall shouts walking over.

"Why not!"I say walking towards Niall.

"Your baby"Niall mimes then I kick the locker and storm off.I walk up the hall in anger and just want to turn around and rip Zoe's head.I start to feel dizzy and as I enter the PE corridor i put one hand on the wall to support me then I fall to the floor and everything goes blank


"Where am I!"I shout as I wake up on a bed.

"Your in the hospital."I hear a familiar voice say then as I look to the right my PE teacher Miss Briscoe is sat in the chair next to me."You passed out near my office I heard a groan and then came out and you just fell to the floor."

"Have you told Harry or Louis."I ask sitting up .

"No I came with you is everything okay.What made you pass out?"She asks.

"No you see I'm...kind of...Pregnant but Louis and my mum don't know so please don't tell anyone please Miss Briscoe."I beg.

"I won't but have you ate this morning?"She asks.

"Nope.Why is  that why I passed out?"I ask.

"Erm maybe.Are you under alot of stress?"She asks.

"Well before I came off to PE to get to art I was about to have a fight but Harry stopped me as he knows I'm pregnant then Niall runs up tells me to walk away so I kick the locker walk off and felt so angry then everything goes blank."I explain.

"Right well what it is , is that you have an empty stomach food wize and because of that your baby wants food and then with more presure on your body for stress then your body trying to keep the baby safe your body couldn't handle it so you just passed out"She says grabbing her phone out.

"Oh...My baby's going to be alright tho right?"I panic.

"Yeah she or he will be fine I passed out alot when I was pregnant don't worry about it."She explains then hands me her phone.

"Here phone or text Harry or Louis and tell them your with me and your safe and I'll go explain the situation to the doc and tell him if he comes in the room and anyone besides you or me are in there then don't mention you being pregnant."She adds then I hand her back her phone and reach in my pocket and pull out my phone.Miss Briscoe then exits the room.

"Chloe where are you!"Harry shouts down the phone."You wasn't in art so where are you."

"I'm at the hospital don't freak out I'm fine"I say.

"Oh my god I'm on my way."Harry says

"No Harry Please I'll be..."I say then he  puts down the phone and i drop it on my knee and say "Fine!"20 minutes later me and Miss Briscoe  drink some tea and talk about the tour and then Harry Louis and the boys run in.

"Chloe!"Louis says hugging me.

"Louis I'm fine."I say.

"Thank you for bringing her."Harry says to Miss Briscoe.

"Its fine.Do you want me to stay or shall I leave Chloe?"He asks putting her hand on my shoulder.

"You can go now."I say then as she removes her hand I grab it and she turns to face me "Thank you."I add then she leans down and hug me.

"No problem."She says then whispers"Take it easy I'm always here to talk to."Then she walks off.

"Are you alright Chloe."Liam asks.

"I'm fine."I say.

"Are you sure?"Niall asks

"Yeah I'm fine stop asking!"I snap.I know they are worried but when a girl says shes fine shes fine!

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