Chapter 38 - Time To Tell Louis!

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I came out of the hospital on the day when I passed out and I have been checked out and the baby is perfectly fine and now another two weeks has been by and Louis still doesn't know and he needs to find out now.

"Hey gorgeous!"Louis says strolling up to me and kissing me.

"Hey...You coming mine....Tonight.."I say in-between kisses.

"Yeah."Louis says then he picks me up and spins me round.

"Whats up with you."I say as he puts me back to the floor.

"Nothing just happy."He says.

"You sure."I say.

"Well.....Doncaster is letting me do that charity match!"He says excitedly pulling a letter out of his pocket.

"No way thats fantastic baby!"I say putting my arms round Louis neck.

"I know!We will celebrate tonight and have a drink and that babe."He says.

"Yeah we will."I say kissing him before getting pulled apart by the school bell.


"Right babe I've got a small meeting ill be home about 4 or 5 yeah."Louis says meeting me in reception.

"Right but be careful driving!"I warn kissing him then walk off to my car and wait for Harry.Harry doesn't let me drive because he said it's too dangerous and at the moment so we get to school/collage together and go home together but I don't know why we had to use my car.Harry arrives on  his own so I throw him my keys and get in the passenger seat then I suggest.

"Lets go get a milkshake or frapee or something from maccy's."

"Yeah need a milkshake."Harry says driving out of school.When we arrive at maccy's Harry order's a strawberry milkshake and I get a caramol frapee.

"So I'm gonna tell Louis tonight."I tell Harry as we drive out off maccy's.

"Wow well I suppose it's time ey."Harry says.

"Yeah."I agree.The air is foggy which is making it hard for Harry to drive.We arrive at our house and I am exhausted.

"Terrance!I'm home!"I shout then Terrance comes running drop the lounge and trys to jump up my leg I lean down and pick him up."Mum I'm back now!"I shout then walk in the kitchen and see my mum stood cooking noodles.

"Hey sweetheart."I hear a familiar woman's voice behind me I turn around to see my auntie karen I put Terrance on the floor and run and hug her.


"So whats been happening with you?"She asks rolling her fag lied across my bed.

"Well I'm going out with Louis"I explain.

"Aw he's cute is it going well."She asks.

"Yeah and I'm kinda carrying his baby.But he doesn't know and neither does mum so please don't say anything."I add.I use to tell auntie Karen everything but she got married and everything changed.

"I won't say a word.You staying here whilst I go have this fag then."She says.

"Yeah I'll stay here Terrance will go with you probably he seems to like you."I chuckle.

"He is so cute where did you get him?"She asks picking him up.

"Louis got him me for my birthday along with this necklace."I tell her as I show her my necklace.

"Wow Tiffany & co.You spoiled brat."She laughs.

"Harry and Courts got me this."I say showing her the bracelet.

"Nice.So are they dating now.Actually..."She says then throws her fag on the side and adds"Whats every-ones relationship status then?"

"Well Me and Lou are dating , Harry and Courts dating , Natasha and Liam and  Nazmin and Niall are also dating and Yanno Perrie Edwards from Little Mix?"I explain then she nods and I say."Well they are in a serious relationship too so we are all hooked up and happy."

"Are you..Happy."She said.

"Yeah course I am I mean Louis the reason I am sat here today the reason I'm healthy and having a baby."I convince.

"Good."She says putting her hand on my leg then picks up her fag gives me a kiss then goes out with Terrance trotting behind her.Its half 4 Louis will be back any minute so its time to get ready to tell him.


Its half 7 and I've had no word off Louis and he won't answer his phone.

"Harry where did you put my car keys?"I say manically to Harry.

"They're on the side why whats wrong."He says then I walk out find my keys and run out of the house.

"Chloe!!!Don't drive its foggy!"Harry says chasing after me.I get up to the car and try to open it but don't unlock it.Harry runs up and pulls me towards him.

"Louis not answering his phone and he is 2 hours late its not like Louis to not answer his phone."I say.

"I'll drive he will be fine."Harry says and he walks me round to the passenger side and straps me in.

"I can do it my self."I snap.He then closes my door and walks round to the drivers side and then drives off.

"Where first."Harry asks.

"School.That's where his meeting was."I say anxiously.There is fog everywhere then about 5 minutes from school we see flashing lights in the distance and when we looks across the road there is a car on its side with a van crushing it.

"Pull over!"I shout.Harry pulls over and I run across the road and see Louis car being crushed by a van.

"LOUIS!!!!NO!!!!"I scream then Harry runs over and grabs me."LET ME GO!!!"

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