Chapter 18

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A/N: This is going to be Christmas at the Lovegood house, and the next chapter will be at the Burrow! That means this is happening at the same time as the last chapter (Christmas Morning). Just trying to prevent confusion :)

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"Draco, it's Christmas", Luna yells up the stairs! "I'm in the kitchen", he calls back with a chuckle. Luna walks into the kitchen, "Can I help"? "Sure", Draco replies with a sloppy smile. "I'm not a very good cook", Luna warns him. "I'll teach you".

* * * *

He grabs her arm gently as he helps her flip the pancake. She looks at him and says, "This is going to take forever". "Well, today is my last day to win your heart. Forever is fine with me", he murmurs. Luna just smiles and shakes her head.

By the time breakfast is served, it is almost time for lunch. "Presents", Luna exclaims cheerfully the minute she finishes eating! Draco and her father laugh, then soon join her around the tree. "Here Daddy, this one's from Draco...I think". He opens it and smiles widely, "Thanks, Draco! I can use these when I go to the exhibit next month", he holds up the newest version of wizarding binoculars. "Daddy, those are the ones that zoom in and out! Oh, and they detect animal movement", Luna says!

* * * *

"What is it", Luna asks, shaking the box? "Open it", Draco laughs. She had already opened a present from her father, which was a clock that made animal sounds depending on the hour. She takes a deep breath and begins tearing it open.

"Draco! These are so cute! She holds up a bunch of colorful knee-socks. Then she sees a blue purse shaped as a kitten. That's when she notices the very small note. It reads:

'I have a few more gifts for you in your room, but I wanted to give them to you personally'

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           "This is my present to you", Luna says, handing him a box. Draco smiles and opens it greedily. First, he pulls out the cologne. Then he pulls out the comb. "So now you don't have to worry about using your hands", Luna says quietly. He laughs and pulls out the mirror. "I have another gift for you, but I'll give it to you upstairs". He smiles, "And what might that gift be"? "You'll see".

* * * *

An owl comes from the Burrow, holding two packages and a card.

'Dear Luna and Draco,
Teddy loves the rattle, Luna! Ron told me to thank you for the chocolates. And we all thank you for the desserts you've sent, Draco! I hope you all are having a great time. Ron couldn't afford to send gifts because he spent all of his money on Hermione's gifts (don't tell her that, she'll feel bad)! But I've sent you both a little something to share and mum wanted to thank you guys too!
Merry Christmas,
Ginny '.

They open the gift together to reveal a couples truth or dare game. Draco's eyes linger on the couple part for a little too long and Luna looks at him funny. He pays the owl and it flys off. "Daddy, Draco and I are going to play Truth or Dare in my room", Luna yells! "Okay! But Draco, you should know, Luna has never backed down from a dare", her father replies!

* * * *

"Here is the other gift I was talking about", Draco says, holding up a heart-shaped locket. But it was different- There were gears and chains and even metal wings. "It's beautiful", Luna replies hugging him. "I'll help you put it on", he tells her. Instead of walking behind her to fasten the clasp, he moves forward and leans over her, so close she can smell a faint smell of toothpaste. "Okay", he breathes. "I have a gift for you also", Luna whispers. "Want to give it to me"? She pulls away and takes the ring from her pajama-shirt pocket and hand it to him. He reads the writing on the inside of it and smiles, sliding it on his pointer finger. "I love it", he says! Luna smiles, "Really"? He nods.

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          "Truth or Dare, Luna", Draco asks?  Luna draws a card from the "girls" pile for a dare. "Kiss your boyfriend while hanging upside down", she reads from the card, "Okay, so I'm assuming you're being my boyfriend for this". "Now let's get you upside down", Draco says.  Luna uses the bed to help prop her up as she stands on her head. Draco leans down and they kiss.

          "Truth or Dare, Draco Malfoy", Luna asks? Draco picks a card out of the "boys" truth pile.  "What is your favorite part of your girlfriend's body", Draco reads aloud, "Um...all of the above".  Luna picks dare and reads the card, "Let your boyfriend massage you in the place of their choice for two minutes". She sighs Draco moves closer, "I won't be inappropriate", he tells her. He moves her onto his lap, first massaging her lower hip, then moves to her upper-thigh. Next he massages her ribcage. "Times up", Luna calls, moving away.  Draco picks dare and reads from the card, "Sit on your girlfriend's lap and pretend to be a gorilla".  Draco goes back over to Luna and gets on her lap, "Ooh ooh, aah aah! You my banana", he leans back and kisses her neck.  "You make one convincing gorilla".

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           "Your turn", Draco tells her with a grin.  She picks dare, "Nibble the hips of your boyfriend". She leans forward, lifts his shirt slightly, and does as the card says.  Draco reads from his card, "Have your girlfriend close her eyes, move into an odd position and have her guess which part of the body she is kissing". Luna closes her eyes and Draco twists himself
around. Luna moves around, and feels herself kissing his belly button. "Belly button", she says.  "You should pick truth this time", Draco tells her. She picks truth and reads the card, "Describe your first kiss". She pretends to think for a second, "Well, there was a dance at school and I went with this boy. We saw a mistletoe above us and, well, you were there", Luna says.  "I was your first kiss", Draco asks? Luna nods.  Draco picks another dare, "For the next two minutes, you have to let your girlfriend kiss, touch, massage, ect. wherever she wishes". Draco takes off his top and mutters, "Go on". Luna gives him a peck on the chest, then one behind the ear. She massages his hips and lower stomach.  The two minutes is soon up.

*                     *                     *                     *

         "One more round, we each do one more dare", Draco says and she agrees. "Let's make it funny by doing them at the same time", Luna suggests. They both draw their cards. "Slide an ice cube around in your boyfriend's pants", Luna reads. "Demonstrate your ideal kiss with your girlfriend while tickling her stomach", Draco says. Luna waves her wand and an ice-cube appears. "So I am rubbing this around in your pants while you kiss and tickling me", Luna laughs. Draco begins to kiss her hard and passionately, and she sticks her hand and ice-cube in his pants. She rubs it around his inner thigh for a long time and then Draco starts tickling her. She drops the ice cube and they break the kiss. "I lost the ice cube", Luna says. Then she notices the her hand is still in his pants and pulls it out hastily. Draco unbuttons his pants and shakes around until the ice-cube finally falls out.

*                     *                     *                     *

              "This is the only time I have left to make you like me", Draco whispers into her ear. "Better make it count then", Luna whispers into his neck. He grabs her hand and sits her on the side of her bed. "I've done nearly everything I can to make you like me, Luna Lovegood. I never thought it would be as hard as this, but I don't regret it at all.  I really really like you, Luna. Will you be my girlfriend", Draco says? She leaps up and hugs him, "I really really like you, Draco Malfoy. I'd love to be your girlfriend".

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