Chapter 25

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A/N: I apologize for the last chapter, it killed me too. :( but I want my fanfic to still end the same way as the normal book and just show the pieces the book didn't include. Also, this is not too long after Graduation. Maybe 3 months idk.

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           Hermione smiles as her, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Teddy all appear at 12 Grimmauld Place.  "I love it", Ginny exclaims! "Well, we have some renovating to do, but it'll work for now", Harry shrugs modestly. "Thanks so much, Harry", Ron whispers. Harry nods. "It's perfect", Hermione assures him! "I had some time to get rid of the junk and clean up a bit, but there is still a lot more work that needs to be done", Harry replies. "It's huge", Teddy says loudly!

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            Harry shows Teddy his bedroom that had been set up just for him. "Thanks, Daddy", Teddy tells him happily! Harry smiles sadly, reminded of Remus Lupin. "No problem".

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           "Would I be a good mother? For Teddy", Ginny asks?  "Everyone-", Harry begins quietly, "-has different opinions on what a good mother is. But I can promise you that Tonks herself would have loved for you to raise her son". "Thanks, Harry. For everything- this house is just so beautiful. I'm so glad", Ginny starts. He leans forward, "Ginny, you don't have to thank me for anything. I'm the one who should be thanking you, you said yes and I love you so much". 

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           Ron rubs his thumb over Hermione's hand. Ever since Christmas, they seem to have had a stronger relationship. "This is perfect, Ronald. All of this", Hermione whispers with a grin. "It really is. I'm so glad we can be together now", Ron replies. "You do still have Auror training. 2 more years of it", Hermione points out. Ron looks uncomfortable, but shrugs. 

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(A/N: Okay, just letting you guys know that Hermione and Ron have bedrooms conjoined by a bathroom. Harry and Ginny, the same. Teddy's room is at the end of the hall. This isn't too relevant, but it will help you understand how they get to each other's rooms and stuff.)

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              *Middle of the night*

         Hermione wakes up to a sound coming from Teddy's room. She grabs her wand from the bed-stand and says, "Lumos".  She tip-toes to his room and opens the door softly. "Teddy", she whispers softly. "Wh-a-at", he replies between sobs?  She walks over to him and gives him a hug, "Bad dream"? 
He nods, "Will you tell me about my parents"?  Normally, Hermione would have asked him to wait until morning. But she saw the urgency on his face. "How did they die", Teddy whispers? 
"Well, Teddy, first you've got to know that your parents were very brave people. Your father was my teacher once and he helped us all through a lot. He was loyal to his friends and a great person. Your mum was a very funny person, very independent. I wish I knew her better. Ginny was great friends with her. She was in love with your father, even though he was much older than her. As for how they died, that is a tougher one. You see, I'm not really the right person to explain this- I don't really know how to. But I can tell you that they died for what they believed in, and that is the most noble way you could pass". "Thank you", Teddy whispers. "It's fine", Hermione ruffles his hair.

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           Hermione is in the shower when Ron knocks on the bathroom door, combining both of their rooms. "It'll be a while", she calls! He sighs. She tries to hurry, throws on a sundress, and brushes out her hair as the dries it out.
She opens the door to his room to let him know that she was through, but he doesn't notice her. He is turned away from her without a shirt on. Hermione sneaks silently up behind him and squeezes him from behind. "Aargh", he yells! Then he turns around and she laughs. He calms down, "Bloody ___, Hermione"!  "The bathroom's open", she says cheekily, before going back to her room.

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          They sit around the table eating a breakfast that Ginny and Hermione made. "It's not bad", Ron says teasingly. "You try fixing breakfast sometime then", Ginny retorts!

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        When they are finished eating, Harry and Ron go to work. "We have got to pick out your dress", Hermione exclaims! Ginny and Harry had decided to have their wedding in July, only two months away.

         They drop Teddy off with Hermione's parents, who seem very happy to watch him, then apparate the the dress shop.  It takes hours of Ginny trying on every dress Hermione hands her, but then she sees the one. It is long and white with black designs all over (see picture).  Hermione argues that it isn't traditional, but Ginny just smiles and pays for it with the money Harry left her for the wedding.  "Now we have to get the bridesmaid dresses. You will be the maid of honor, of course", Ginny says. "Maid of honor", Hermione asks, shocked? Ginny laughs, "Who else would it be"? Hermione grins and they go to another shop. Ginny chooses Hermione a short dress, red with a collar and gold sequins on the top, red fabric with gold under it at the bottom half.  "Is Luna your other bridesmaid", Hermione asks? Ginny nods, "Sent her an owl last week. She was thrilled"!  "I bet! We haven't seen her in a long time", Hermione says.

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             They get back home late that night, Harry and Ron already in bed. Ginny hangs up her dress in an unused closet so that Harry won't look at it before their special day. She really hopes Ron will ask Hermione soon, knowing how excited Hermione is about weddings. Ginny had put her in charge of flowers and she was somehow even making those into a big deal.

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          "Hermione", a voice whispers, causing Hermione to stir in her bed. "Hermione". She opens her eyes and sees Ron sitting on the edge of her bed. "What are you doing in here", she asks? He grabs her hand, "Couldn't sleep". "Well, I could, so leave", she grumbles. "Can I stay in here, Hermione", he asks? She sighs, "Don't do anything stupid". He climbs in bed beside her and deals an arm around her, "I'll do my best".

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