"By the powers of starclan, I now name you swiftpaw! Your mentor will be cloudheart." I watched as my littermate was apprenticed. "Riverkit, by the powers of starclan, I now name you riverpaw! Your mentor is brakenclaw. Jaykit, by the powers of starclan now name you Jaypaw! Your mentor shall be Leafheart." I ran to leafheart and touched noses. Then after the gathering, she guided me into her den and told me all the herbs. She gave me a chance to try them out on her, and I already had the feeling I knew exactly what everything was.
Soon after, she had to go out and collect herbs. Swiftpaw came in the den. "Hi, Swiftpaw! What do you need?" I asked him as he approached. "Cloud heart has a splinter in his paw from our training." He replied. "Send him in here, I'll get it out." I said. "Isn't that Leafhearts job?" He asked me. "Leafheart isn't here, and I know how to do this just as well!" I snapped. "Fine!" Swiftpaw turned and ran, moments later showing Cloudheart into the den. "Okay, hold still. I'm going to pull now." I said, pulling it out. Cloud heart screeched in pain, but didn't move. "Alright, now the poultice!" I said and turned to grab some herbs, chewed them, and licked them onto his pad. "There!" I mewed, then Leafheart came into the den. "What happened?" She asked. Swiftpaw explained as I sorted the herbs she brought in. "Good job, Jaypaw! Your good enough already!" She meowed. "Thanks." I mumbled still busy with the herbs. I knew this would be my destiny, but something strange was lurking here, I knew it. Tigershade, our ancestors, whatever it is, its bad.