Sweet Sixteen: Part. 2

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In school the following day, I felt weird. Bu it was a good weird. The other kids see me as different, and that morning as I walked the empty school corridor on my way to maths class, late, I knew I really was different. I mean, how many teenagers do you know who've met the Devil? Not many, is my guess. Because we're a rare breed, Dylan and I.

Dylan and I – that makes us sound like a couple: boyfriend and girlfriend. But we're not; we're something a whole lot different. We're partners, Dylan calls us, "Partners in kind." And I like that description, it fits what we do, what we fight for. We constantly battle: bad, evil, despicable, and to do that you need a whole lot of strength mixed with huge human kindness. Dylan and I are London's youngest, DEMON HUNTERS.

"Benita, Benita, Benita, it's the third time this week that you've been late, pull your socks up young lady," said Mr Lacey, as I sloped in with my head hung low. "Sorry sir," I said, sitting at the back of class and ignoring the snarky remarks from the other kids.

I like Mr Lacey, he never asks me why I'm late. That morning I almost wished he had; can you imagine the reaction if I told the truth, "Sorry sir. I was up most of the night, making sure the Devil didn't posses me or anyone else in the school." That would really confirm my 'freak' status amongst the cool crowd.

One lunchtime, last summer, I was staring out of an open window from inside the art room when the in-crowd passed by. Gabby, the leader of the group, caught my eye and stopped, "Her eyes are so freaky," she said, really loud. Of course the rest of the girls recoiled in mock horror. Mr Lacey was returning from lunch, he witnessed the scene and said calmly, "Get real Gabby, Benita's eyes are stunning, really unique." It worked, they all stormed off in a huff. Mr lacey popped his head through the window, "They're so jealous Benita. They all know you're one of the prettiest girls in the school, and don't you ever forget that." It was one of the kindest things anybody, other than my parents, had ever said to me. I'll always respect Mr Lacey for making me like myself a little on that day.


As the claxon sounded the end of maths class, my phone buzzed, making me jump. I was tired and fidgety from the events and revelations of the night before. Looking at my phone, I saw the message from Dylan: 'Can we meet in the library at lunchtime? I need to talk to you about a sighting.'

'Sighting's' are what Dylan calls suspicion's. It means he's seen or heard tangible evidence of possible demonic behaviour that needs our attention, and possible in depth investigating.

When I saw his message my tiredness dropped away and I became immediately psyched about the possibility of my first real investigation with Dylan.

Dylan was waiting for me in the horror section of the library, "Getting yourself in the right mood?" I joked, as I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. He glanced at the books, "This is all fiction," then he looked down, "we're dealing with fact." When he looked back up at me, I noticed he had a fresh and vicious looking cut on his nose.

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