Sweet Sixteen: Part. 19

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My thumb hit re-dial on mum's phone and no sooner had I put it to my ear, my phone lit up: it was mum, calling from her work number.

Her phone went to voicemail; I switched it off and answered mine.

"Are you at home daughter?" Asked mum, impatient.


"Good. I think I've left my phone at home, is it on the kitchen table?"

Guilt grabbed me as I lied, "No."

"Bugger! Can you ring it daughter, now?" She sounded flustered.

"Hold on," I said, pretending to dial.

Pausing for an appropriate time, I answered, "No mum, I can't hear your ring tone, are you sure it was on and fully charged?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"You know me daughter, it's always on and charged." She let out a sigh, before she said, "I've definitely lost it, or someone's nicked it from my bag. Can you do me a favour, I'm really busy at work, can you cancel the contract for me?"


"What do you mean, no?"

"I mean, don't be too hasty, it might turn up," I said, trying my best to keep the truth of the matter out of my voice.

"Daughter, someone could be making international calls on it as we speak, we can't afford getting mega bills. Cancel it now. My bill's in the draw of my bedside cabinet."
"OK, will do, mum."

Her voice relaxed a little, "Good girl – oh, by the way, I'm meeting Mr Lacey tonight, for a quick drink. I won't be late."

"Ok mum, enjoy, laters!" I said, sounding as cheerful as could be.


I folded up mum's phone bill and stuffed it in my bag. I wouldn't, couldn't cancel the contract, as the phone had data on it that could locate Dylan. Although I felt bad for lying to mum, at least I knew that once her phone was safe with me, no one could run up a bill.


I had to get out of the house. On the street I phoned Joshua, he answered before it even rang, "Hello." He said, hurried.

"Dylan's alive, he called my mum's phone."

His voice lifted, "Wicked! Come to 12 Paddock Field, that's welcome news for us all, especially his dad."

"I'll be there in ten," I said, taking off.


Granny Grace welcomed me in, "Come on in sweetheart, it's lovely to see ya, truly it is," she said. The entrance hall, unlike the narrow dark corridor of its neighbouring property, 13, was wide and bright, with polished wooden floors and gleaming white walls. It was immediately obvious that this dwelling had, had an expensive makeover.

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