I sat up panting, sweat covering my body. I frantically looked around my room having to remind myself it was just a dream. CRASH! I jump. The thunder scaring me to death. Seconds after my room is illuminated with a white flash of lighting. After catching my breath and calming myself down I lay down and try to go back to sleep. Only to have the same nightmare I had earlier in the night.
There was laughter filling my ears, evil laughter, as I ran down the hallway that seem to never end. . I could see their shadows on the walls around me, they were filling the green walls. I took notice of the wooden floor. And the sign that read "quite please." I was ahead, but not by much. My heart was pounding in my ears. "you can't run away from fate!" I kept running trying to push their words out of my head. "we will find you! Your gift will be used to our advantage!" I cover my ears. But I could still hear the words, I could still hear my heart pounding. The noise seemed to fill the long hallway. Never letting me escape. "stop! Leave me alone" my voice was wavering. I was scared. I needed to escape, to get away. They laughed. They laughed at my fear. I couldn't take the laughter. It had to stop. The end of the hall slowly came into view, a wooden door, my escape. I could feel a little hope. Maybe I will escape. The shadows started yelling my name "Katherine! Katherine!" I pushed harder on my ears and ran faster "Go away! Make it stop!" I was almost in reach of the door. They were hot on my tail. I reached out my fingers touched the door knob.
I sat up panting again. This time the sun was shining through my window blinding me. I have been having that same dream for 2 weeks straight. It always ends the same way. I never get to see what's beyond that door. I let out a sigh and give up in trying to get any sleep, I drag myself out of bed. Thank god it's summer. I don't think I would be able to go to school with the energy level I'm at right now. This dream has been making impossible to get a good nights sleep.
I walk out of my room and across the hall to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see a hideous creature, also known as me. My hair is sticking up in every which way or it's glued to my face with sweat and or drool. Attractive. My clothes are disheveled, probably from me squirming around in my sleep. Plus, my eye makeup that I forgot to wash off my face last night is giving me the raccoon look. Damn I look good. I turn on the cold water and splash my face a couple times. And as much as I love the raccoon look, note the sarcasm, I take my makeup remover and began scrubbing it off. I run a brush through my thick, dark brown, wavy hair and head downstairs to be greeted by my lovely family.
I walk into the kitchen and as soon as my 4 year old sister, Sam, or Sammy as I like to call her, sees me she makes sure the whole family notices. She decides to let out an ear ripping scream of my name, "Kathy!" she gets off the stool at the breakfast bar and runs over to me practically knocking me over when she jumps into my arms, "well good morning to you too Sammy!" I say while laughing. I say good morning to my mom and dad and began searching the pantry for something to eat. "you've been getting up before 10 these past couple of weeks." my dad inquired with a laugh, coming up and jokingly feeling my forehead for a fever. Oh great. They've noticed. I don't want to tell them about the nightmares, they'll think I'm having them due to some deep rooted issues or something. Yes. My parents are weird like that. I let out the most believable fake laugh I can muster, "yeah, well I've been going to bed earlier so I guess I've just been waking up earlier too." my dad nods his head understandingly while gabbing me a bowl for my fruity pebbles. I quickly finish up my fruity pebbles and head back upstairs.
I turn on my computer and log onto Facebook. I go through all my notifications and just as I'm about to log off I get a message from friend Chelsea
Chelsea: hey! You wanna hang out today?"
Katherine: sure! (:
Chelsea: great! My mom said she'll drive us to the beach. Is that cool with you?

The Story Warrior
AdventureMagic isn't real. At least that's what Katherine thought until one day when everything changed and magic seemed to be around more than anything else. She learns she has an ability. An ability that all the villains in the fairy tales and stories you...