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Curse warning straight off the bat, woo!


SO a few people have gotten a bit annoyed with what I put here about G not being a cruel A.U, whether it was in the comments or just talking to me in a private message, people have said that it was almost mean, or that I was walking all over people's ideas, when I wasn't saying they were... WRONG. I never said, YOUR IDEAS ARE TRASH. I may have thrown some stuff saying he's always been displayed as more of a insensitive character rather than an abusive one, and I may have been a bit SHARP with the delivery, but I never said that MY IDEAS ARE BETTER than someone else's. I had been trying to explain that Boruoru (the creator of G) and Loralim (the creator of Echotale) who are the two main people to deal with the original kind of G everyone flaunts, never made him abusive. They never made him physically hurt people JUST BECAUSE. (Some people believe they did) People also believe they made him out to be blind to other people's needs, which, I'm not sure if it's true with Boruoru's version of G, but is definitely not true with Loralim's, showing him to be an almost depressed character, rather than a mindless one. So, either way, I don't understand how people got 'abusive douche' from either of the main versions of G. And, I suppose people can change him if they want, but it's just weird that they claim it's him, when he's not how his character design was established. 

He's insensitive... but Boruoru (I believe) claimed him to be fatherly, and like a protector of the other AU's, once.

So, okay, great, you don't agree with me, that's fine.  I never said I was right.

I just wanted to point out that I was surprised that a lot of people had taken him as this kind of person. Also, it was a rant based around people attacking me about him being out of character, not particularly about other people's story 'sucking' because they didn't agree with me. I'm fine, if it's your story, that's your deal. But, it's my concept of G, and I talk about it later in the book, that he becomes another almost AU/Head-canon. (almost) 

And, so, you do you, but don't harass me about ranting. I know it's insensitive, I'm NOT saying you're wrong, I never said you're WRONG. I'm saying, it's surprising people don't realize that, he's not been shown as a cruel or abusive character in his source (Boruoru) 

and sure, he's a fan-made character, but he's still someone's character. He's based off of Sans, but he's a whole new character, also. 

Also, read the whole message before you comment something  SMART. It's not fun for you to write that, and not fun for me to read that sort of stuff.

If you don't agree, just leave it be, and move on. 

Nothing needs to be said.

Previous message:

It has recently come to my attention that A TON of people portray G!Sans as a cruel sort of A.U., when really, he's not. He's got more head-cannons suggesting he's sort of flirtatious and a gentleman than anything, and he's also never, really, harassed anyone. It's also, however head-canon that, although a bit insensitive at times, he would NEVER hurt someone without reason, unless to, (another head-cannon) PROTECT THOSE HE LOVES. yea, G!Sans is an EXTREMELY fatherly A.U. in most head-cannons, and although a bit ..mm... sexy, well, he's a skeleton, so, he's not like that. He's not like, holy shed lemme bone this chick he's like, oh dang is she okay? does she need help? Who hurt her? let me skin them alive.  He can't get DRUNK so don't give me that shitty excuse.

So... don't yell at me, WTF HE WOULD TOTALLY BEAT HER UP, no he wouldn't. I understand my precious G better than A LOT of writers, so cut me some slack.

Ok, so. rant over.

Also, I said, "MY" G for a reason, because it's MY concept of him. So if you aren't going to analyze also the fact that it was a 'rant' which means it was stupid and written in a fit of frustration, don't comment, or message me that it's mean. Thank you, I hope you have a good day and that this didn't put you in a sour mood.

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now