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I was gonna do this chapter in Haruka's perspective so I could observe both the girl and G, but then I said, 'fuck it' and decided to just keep going with the story.

Uh, this chapter is really quick, because I just wanted to throw you this little thing because we just hit 300 followers (302 actually) and  I wanted to thank you!

Song: Kitchen Sink by twenty one pilots



I sat down on the edge of the dock, and let out a deep sigh, Haruka sat down next to me, her long, muscular legs folding beneath her as she sat down beside me, she was humming something, somewhat slow, and quiet.

"What you singin'?" I asked, quietly, thinking about everything that had happened.

"...You wouldn't know it, and I forget what it's called." She chuckles to herself.

"...Sing some for me."

"It's kinda more talking, than singing."

"...Talk some for me?"

She chuckles.

"Fine. Nobody thinks what you think, no one. Empathy might be on the brink of extinction, They will play a game and say they know what you're going through and  I tried to come up with an artistic way to say they don't know you, and neither do I, so here's a prime example of a stand-up guy, who hates what he believes and loves it at the same time, here's my brother and his head's screwed up but that's alright.... That's all I can remember."

She held her right arm to her left shoulder, as if stretching.

"...Kitchen Sink?"

"I think so.."

I smiled to her, lightly, her eyes glistening, they glowed with a bright intensity I hadn't seen in monsters since I last gazed into Undyne's waxy expression, her yellowish teeth parting with a scream so loud it echoed into the cave surrounding her, blood dripping from wounds coating her body,"This world will live on!" Flesh like dripping plastic melting off of muscles, tendons soaking into a bloodied carcass, and sinking into the ground, drowning in the waterfalls, which drained into a dark abyss.

She looked at me, unaware of the gruesome scene playing out in my shadowy thoughts, she braced her hand against my shoulder, her expression unreadable, blank, I searched her features for any sort of clue to what she was thinking, but to no avail.

"So, do normal monsters melt?" She asked, seemingly from no-where.

"Why do you ask?"

"You're dripping." She said, and showed me her hand which had been set upon mine, soaked in a pasty white.

"....Do.. sharks?"

"Yes, but we're not normal. Over half of our genetics are identical to humans. We just have... more teeth."

"And more muscles."

"Shut up, bone-bag."


I chuckled, "You're boyfriend gonna be jealous?"

"I told you, the pool's not my boyfriend. We're just friends. With benefits. But, how 'bout you, where's your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend. Not really, not technically."

"Huh. What about Segoe?"

"With _____. I don't know where they ran off to. But you're an assassin right?"

"Yep. One of the best. I'm surprised Gouva let us bring Ko with us, though."

"She's the youngest, right?"

"I think she's the prettiest, but everyone else seems to disagree. I don't like being- Ah, nevermind."


She dropped her arm from her shoulder and shrugged, "Nothing really."

  I noticed a bleeding cut on her shoulder, and red marks on her wrists. Was it just that I hadn't noticed it before, or that she had just recently gotten them?  

"..-Ruka... why didn't you tell me? You've been with us for a week or so now.. You should tell me these things, I can help you."

 "Really, G. It happens all the time, chill. I mean, I get flirted with, er, harassed a lot. I can't tell Gou. He'd never let me go anywhere, but, I mean, I guess I'd rather it be me than Kona."

"You're serious? But... you're... well, kinda... badass... don't they... Well,  I don't know, leave you alone when you tell them to?"

"You'd think, right? Well, apparently not. Apparently, since I'm younger I'm not a threat."

She'd had the marks on her wrists for a day or so, but I'd assumed they were from her gauntlets.

"How old are you?"

"...I'm turning 20 in a few days."

"How old's your brother?"


"Oh, wow."

"Yea. But, anyway.... You slipped into one of your.. uh.. zones, there, didn't you?"


"You sank into a memory. It takes one to know one."

"What happened to you?"

"...I used to have another brother, and a mum, right?" 


"..Did Gou not tell you?"


"I... was initially taken with them, but.. I escaped."


"....Our ship sank. The ship they were taking us on, I was the smallest so they didn't have me chained up so heavily, and, so, we struck something, apparently it was a reef, but I didn't see one as I swam away... so, I have to assume it was something else. An explosion. But I'd been sitting in the corner, sitting down on the burning hot metal, my skin boiling as it touched the firey plates, and then my head struck the back of the wall as the ship lurched, and then threw me, snapping the small chain they'd had me on, and nearly breaking my wrist, into the bars of the prison cell, and then I fell out, onto the wall, and as the ship rocked back up-right, I pulled against the bars, feeling the blazing heat of a fire on my back, and feeling my toes scorch on the metal, I saw bodies, melting, dripping like hot wax, and I just ran, I could hear my brother screaming, 'Just jump, just go, swim! swim!' he had somehow gotten out, my mother was too heavily bound, and she couldn't fit through the iron bars. Even as they wilted. I jumped off of the side of the ship, and sank into the water, I felt it stinging my body, and rose my head above the surface, searching for my brother... but... I couldn't find him. I... I don't know... None of the other sharks made it. It was.. brutal."

"...You swim cause it makes you feel safe?"

"I swim because I cant do anything else right." She smiles, and it's familiar. An empty, meaningless smile. Her expression falls flat.

I sigh, and silently grin to myself, and then let it fall, standing, and helping her up, I give her a hug, to which she freezes, confused, "I am so, so sorry." I whisper.

"For what?"

"...Oh... you know."

I refuse to let her go, and she pushes against me, trying to pull herself away, to break my grasp.

"Hey- uh-"

I jump into the water.

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now