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This chapter is in the girl's (so the reader's) perspective, hazah!

Depending on how much you guys like this, I was going to do this chapter and next chapter in her/your perspective.

If you pay attention you'll notice the ~*~ in front and behind the '22' in the chapter title is different, that it's backwards,

that shows you it's in her perspective, so when you're looking through the table of contents you can see the difference.




I drag a strand of hair through my fingertips, and bite down on my lip, looking toward Reset. I sit down on the worn couch and put my head in my hands, breathing slowly, trying to stay calm.

"I feel like this is my fault." I mutter, mindlessly, and he glances over at me.

"Aww, c'mon, cherry doll, don't be that way." he says, a friendly tone to his voice, his eye glowing under the shadow of his Stetson.

"...If he hadn't taken that hit for me and Frisk-"

"You'd be dead." he shrugs, "Plain and simple."

"...Good point." I sigh, and pull at the small scarf around my neck, brushing back a lock of my hair, "He'll be okay, right?"

"Yea..." ...there's something he's not telling me, as he walks away, swinging his gun, "I'm going to go see how everyone's holding up... people are.. anxious."

I nod, and look down at the ground, "okay."

I see the calm of night drink in the chaos of daytime, and a quiet evening envelops the camp.


I hear the shuffling of tired feet.

"...G..? What are you doing up?"

"I'm.. not tired."

"Sure, you aren't."

I look at him, noticing the crimson coating his bandage, which is carefully tied over the spot his arm used to be, which had been split into oblivion a few days prior, and the torn left sleeve, frail strips dangling off the main fabric.

"Go lie down."

"You lie down." He grumbles, swaying unsteadily.

"I know you're hard headed, but this isn't necessary!"

"Bite me!" He growls.

"If that's your kinky thing-"

"If you want a mouth full of broken teeth, have at it, bite a skeleton."

"I'd rather n-"

"kiss?" His eyes glow vibrantly, purple and gold.



"Go to bed, Romeo."

"You tryin' to get sexy with me, sweet-"

"Am I?" I growl.

"Are you?"

He places his hand on my shoulder, and his glowing eyes fade into the darkness of his eye-sockets.

I feel tiny, as he towers over me.

"Yea you better darken those eyes, you lay more than two hands on me and I will karate your ass into the Triassic period." I hiss, glaring up at him, his slight smirk makes me feel powerless, I am the mouse to his cat.

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now