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And finally, my heart is white.
Pure like the snow, glistening in the light of the moon, crystal flakes drifting down to settle on my eyelashes.
As if delicate petals of a rose wrapping around me, soft and smooth, a whisper of something familiar and yet foreign to my ears.
My spirit, my soul is transparent.
My heart is a glaze, a reflection.

My eyes are silvery like the moon at it's highest point, shifting with each form.
The snow begins to feel warm around me, my hair getting caught in the blizzard.
I can't help but give in to the cold.

But something stops me,
Something unfamiliar makes my heart beat, pound and fill my body with warmth, forcing me to stand up on shaky legs, I can't seem to remember what I was doing out here.
And then...

I can feel what I was leaning against.
A frozen body, clutching my hand, pulled against me.

The next thing I know I'm down on my knees, screaming out.
I weep madly.
I'm in pajamas, I slowly realize.
As the snow washes away my footprints, I cry out for my daughter.
I cry out for her until I cannot breathe, and even then, I do not stop until I become dizzy.
I feel arms around me, as I continue to weep, pulling away from the hold on me.

I find myself sitting flush against a frozen body,
But this time it's alive.
"Please stop." He whispers, like he can't breathe, choking,
"She's been gone for a long time, dear."

"She... I just... I just saw her."

He doubles over like I've punched him, "When will you stop... when will you..." he can't continue, and I can practically see the color tearing away from his soul, like wilting petals of a flower.

"She went out in the snow. You followed her. And then a blizzard picked up. You got lost and..."

He cannot finish.

"This is all a bad dream..."

(My friend desperately wanted to be included in my five year old fanfic for some reason.)

Try me, Bones. (Gaster!Sans X Reader) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now