Chapter 28

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The crowd surged and moved around me like a strong fluid ocean. Swaying as one to the strong and beautiful beat.

I was alone; without Finn. He had gone outside for a quick smoke and left me here with a girl Jack had become increasingly fond of as the night and the alcohol consumption went on.

She was beautiful, not only through my lusting, ecstasy-enhanced eyes but through to her personality. She was lovely and it made me disappointed in Zoe as she huffed and laughed at this "stereotypical blonde bimbo" before storming off for a cigarette.

This girl; whose name was in the cloudy daze that was my memory, who was dancing and smiling and laughing with me, was being judged for her looks as any other person would be. But it seemed, now, in this moment, to be so fucking unjust. Perhaps because nothing, it seemed, in the world could never be not beautiful. Ever.

Jack was not dancing with me and Beautiful. He had passed the stage of alcohol and drug consumption being recreational and fun and hadn't stopped. He could not dance or smile or enjoy himself or act a fool. He was so unbelievably past that, that his only option was to sit. Slouched at the bar with a half empty beer that he bribed out of a young bartender who knew full well that Jack was a hundred miles from being sober.

I laughed at the great injustice of Jack having found a girl perfectly willing of a one night stand but he would certainly not be able to fuck her.

I looked over at Jack, and the funniness of his drunken state had worn away revealing a sobering anxiety.

"I think it's time to take Jack home" I laughed into Beautiful's ear.

She nodded her head and smiled, still swaying with the waves of the dancing crowd.

"You want to come back with us?" I asked her,

She smiled and thanked me.

"No, I won't. But here's my number," and she took out a sharpie and wrote on the back of my hand up my fore arm a sequence of numbers followed by a smiley face and a kiss.

"I'll text you, good bye" and with that I left to deal to Jack.

"Jacky baby?"

He lifted his head from the bar bench he had been resting it on.

He didn't say a thing. No smile or even recognition flashed across his face. His eyes were closed into little slits that made me wonder if he could see me at all.

"Jack, I think it's time I take you home okay" I said gently into his ear over the music.

I couldn't really tell, but it didn't seem like he protested. His flaccid arms wrapped around me and his head hung low. His eyes fell completely closed and he walked with me to the front door of the club.

"Finn, I'm going to take Jack home," I said to Finn who had been standing with Zoe and Caspar just outside the front doors of the club.

"Okay, babe" his eyes were still dilated, and his body still buzzed and jumped with the ecstasy high coursing through his fast pumping heart.

"You stay here, it's okay, I'll catch a taxi" I smiled genuinely, " you stay here"

"Are you sure?" He looked unconvinced, but I didn't have the strength to hold Jack up for long enough to persuade Finn to stay.

"Stay, babe" I said, shorty and quickly. My breath growing a little hard.

He smiled a big smile and kissed me and then Jack on his forehead.

"Thanks Livy,"

He took up a, now asleep, Jack in his arms and neatly tucked them into the passenger seat of the closest taxi. He buckled him securely and walked around the car to give me a quick kiss.

"I expect round two when we get home" I winked and smirked at him, trying hard convey the deep horniness I felt.

He winked back and told the driver where to take us.

"See you later, Livy"

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