Open up your front door.
Step out side.
Close your eyes and take a deep breathe through your nose and let it out through your mouth.
Recognize the smells around you, notice the sights and sounds.
Embrace the facts that your here, your alive, living, and you were put here for a purpose.
Look at the people around you.
Notice how some are happy, some are sad, and some just have a lot on their mind.
See how everyone is going through something?
Some may be worse than others but it just depends on how they deal with it.
Bad things may come to you but you have to know whether to stop and converse with those bad things, or keep walking.
If your in a good mood don't let others get in the way.
Remember their negative energy CAN be contagious but only if you let that energy get to you.
Keep your positive energy and have overpower the negative because positive is always more powerful than negative.
A Guide to Enlightenment
SpiritualStressed or just tired of everything lately? I'm going to try and show you how to enjoy the little things in life.