ch 9:God help us

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Those things broke though the door and they started to fill the place up quick and we couldn't pull the trigger fast enough I just ducked as one of them jumped a crossed the counter towards me it missed and hit what was once the liquor rack and i put a bullet through it's head. "I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO USE MY SNIPER RIFLE I'M USING JUST MY PISTOL AND STARTING TO RUN LOW" yelled Tilley "HERE" I yelled as I tossed a clip to Tilley, he barely caught it and put the clip in the chamber and killed one of those things just before it could grab a hold of him.

'I'm running low on ammo here' I thought to myself as I continue to shoot our attackers and I could see that Holt was down to at least maybe one clip in the chamber and a spare clip because he was making each shot count. "WE ARE ABOUT TO BE OVERRAN" screamed Goodfellow, now Goodfellow was the about the youngest out of our group and he was scared and was letting bullets fly like there was no tomorrow in which this case as it seems there may not be. "Hang in there Goodfellow" as I stood beside him trying to give him courage when at this point I don't think any of us had any left we were just fighting to keep living and Tony was hiding underneath the counter just balling his eyes and I just remember I wished I wouldn't of accept this contact. 'GOD HELP US' was the words i kept repeating in my head.

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