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Pacifica claimed that she was just another link in the world's. Worst chain,but Mabel knew better than that.Every time Mabel looked at Pacifica with those warm brown eyes,it made Pacifica feel a little better about herself.Everybody liked Pacifica for the "Perfect Girl "front that she had been putting on every day of her miserable life.Only one person saw her for who she really was,and that was Mabel.Mabel knew all her hopes and dreams,she was her shoulder to cry on when life was a drag.

Pacifica thought the world of Mabel,and vice versa.Although they had a rocky beginning,forgiveness opened the door to a beautiful friendship and a budding romance.They could spend hours among hours talking about nothing in particular.Truth was Mabel really didn't have anyone to talk to either.Dipper was always with Bill,and Candy and Grenda were a couple now,so that left her alone.Pacifica was there every step of the way,even when no one else was.

They knew things about each other that no one else did,not even Dipper,and they were always there for each other.

It was storming out side.
Mabel heard a knock at the door so she opened it.Standing there soaking wet was Pacifica,her makeup was running as if she had been crying.Mabel let her inside and gave her a pair of pajamas to change into.Mabel made hot chocolate and the two girls sat on the couch watching subjective and drinking their hot cocoa.The sun started to come up,but Pacifica was still crying.Mabel hugged her.

"What's wrong?"asked Mabel
"They threw me out."

Mabel looked her in the eye and said''You can stay here with me."

"What about Bill and Dipper,won't they get mad?"

"They'll be fine."and Mabel nuzzled Pacifica s Cheek.

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