Final Authors note

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Guys,I hate to tell you but the book is finished.

Its been fun writing this but I find myself unable to continue this.

But hey,Checkout my other books:

Pretty Kitty


Dating a Demon's Daughter

King Yaoi's book of bad advice

Fangirl Fairytayles

And Finnally

Fangirls on crack

I love every single one of you and I thank you for putting up with my craziness.

Special thanks to:

bbyb-mgc My fellow neko

BelleCorley Cuz ur wonderful

CarlGrimes1320 Cuz ur a great friend

globthecreater Cuz you have to deal with me everyday

groovyxmutation Just cuz

KiritoKittens Cuz u are fun to be around

lindseyred02 Satan who listens to vanilla ice with me

LoveOfFandoms19 Cuddle buddie

mac26041 Cuz you gave me some of these ideas

MelissaApplegarth luv Ya so much

MichaelMyers123 BEAN!!

princess-afi No reason.Just love you lots!!

Rainbowbrush Lots of vagina jokes

redatnight Not explaining.just love u.

savanathefangirl2000 My buddy,whom I miss lots.

SmallGayCoconut U great,I love you!!

starlightstarbris My school mom who told me yaoi was bad,whom I still love

VictorisHeichou Gets me high off laughter

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