A Riren Christmas

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This takes place at Erens house on Christmas

Levi Sat cross legged underneath the Christmas tree.He was wearing a pair of footie pajamas that had little colossal titans all over them.Eren walked in holding a plate of cookies(wearing identical pajamas) and sat down next to Levi.Levi took a cookie and Eren handed him a wrapped parcel.Levi unwrapped the parcel and inside was a bottle of Windex.Levi's usual frown quickly turned into a toothy grin."I thought you said we weren't getting gifts this year?"
Eren smiled and said "I know what I said,but I love it when you smile.Your just so adorable."

Levi pulled Eren in a hug,and confused he said "But yesterday you said I was a badass."

Eren said to Levi "I guess that makes you my Adorable Badass."

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