Chapter 13

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We set up the q-and-a and quickly receive thousands of questions.

We decide to answer the questions off of my twitter.

We look through the questions and laugh at the silly ones and ignore the nimrod ones.

"Look at this one!" Niall beams,

I look at where's he's pointing and read,

"#askniallandjessica Is it true Jessica has a secret one direction account? @niallofficial @jessica_rose"

I playfully push Niall and yelp,

"We're not answering that one!"

He rolls his eyes and tries to plead with me.

"If you show me your profile, I will never ask again." He cheekily grins and looks me dead in the eye.

Maybe I should show him to just get it over with, right?

"Fine." I sigh in defeat and snatch the computer from his paws.

I type in my old username and almost cringe at the sight of it.

As Niall's eyes go wide when he glances at the screen, in that moment, I wish I was a Harry girl.

"Jessica..." Niall murmurs.

He looks as if someone sucked out all the words from his mouth as he is at a lost for words.

My cheeks instantly flush, and chills run all down my spine.

He sits up from laying on his stomach and takes my trembling hand.

"I was your favorite." He looks pleased. His smile shining through the whole building.

"I know it's stupid, okay? You don't have to tease me about it." I flush, removing his hand from mine and turning around so he doesn't see the tears that arise in my eyes.

"I would never tease you, babe." He comforts me, placing his dove-like hands on my shoulder.

I remove myself from his hold and stand from the bed to look at him.

I can't fight the tears on my face any longer as they practically have a race...all of them winning.

"Are you happy now? You can call me more names behind my back. You can laugh at how I was madly in-love with you. Yeah, I was fifteen and madly in-love with a 19 year old boy who was my everything because he was the only one there for me. When my friends through fucking food at my face; I went home and the only thing keeping me breathing was So, you finally found me out, okay? I'm another depressed, attention-seeker, fucking loser. Go ahead and call me names just like everyone else." I snap at him, my words coming out like venom. I know... I fucking know I overreacted, but when you hold in so much anger and hatred for your whole's not delicate when it finally escapes the attic it was locked up in.

Niall's already in my arms as I sob in his crease of his neck and shoulder.

He's always there for me...He shouldn't be.

I remove myself from his cozy shoulder and wipe the leftover tears from my face,

"I'm so sorry..." I apologize through my now hoarse voice.

Niall rubs my back and his voice a whisper,

"You can't be sorry. You needed to let it out. I'm sorry, Jessica. I shouldn't have made you show me your account. It was stupid of me and-"

He's actually apologizing to me?


I'm the one who just yelped at him for something that wasn't even a big deal.

I cut off his speech,

"Joseph." The word tastes even worse when it escapes my chapped lips.

Niall releases me from his snug hold and furrows his eyebrows at me.

"What?" His voice filled with confusion, and I at once anguish my outburst.

"Joseph. He's why I have my nightmares." I stare blankly at the beige wall while tears stream down my fervid face.

Niall's silence signs me to continue,

"I thought I was in-love with him, and I thought he was in-love with me. I gave him everything I could, so he would know how much I loved him. But of course that wasn't enough. He wanted more." I stop, barley being able to breathe from choking on my salty tears.

"What did he want?" Niall questions and by the tone of his voice...he was scared to ask.

I stand up from the bed and turn to look at him.

His eyes filled with agony and empathy.

His hands fiddling in his lap with fear.

His mouth slightly pouted and eyebrows drooped.

His face he saw a ghost.

Him sitting criss-cross applesauce is probably the most adorable thing ever.

As I check out all his features, I remember why I fell in love with him.

And I know if I stay in this room, I'll do it again.

I wipe the tears from my face and sprint to the door.

"Jessica? Jessica! Where are you going?" I hear Niall shout at me, but I know I have to leave.

I can't jeopardize my dream, not for another boy.

I swing open the hotel room door and dart for the elevator.

I gently but hastily push the bodyguards out of the way and repeatedly press the "up" arrow.

"Jessica, wait up!" I hear Niall's voice filled with bewilderment, and I want to stay with bad.

But I know it's a set-up. He won't love me ever like I love him- I mean used to love him.

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!

The elevator doors open but not soon enough.

Niall's hands stop me from entering the elevator.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" He pants.

I feel absolutely terrible, but what am I supposed to do?

I tried to get away. I keep trying to get away, but I can't.

I'm dumbfounded as Niall cups my chin and brings his lips to mine.

At first, I resist out of extinct, but I suddenly feel my lips move with in sync.

I pull away; as I remember who I am and who he is and where we are.

A smile creeps up on my face as does Niall's.

His smile beams, and his cheeks go bright red.

"Niall..." I close to as whisper.

I'm at a sudden loss for words at his whole act.

"I'm sorry... I really am, it's just-"

I chuckle at his distraught apology and shut him up with a kiss.

I've been kissed before but not like this.

His tongue gently enters my mouth as mine hides between my teeth.

I smile in-between our kiss, thinking of the bodyguards watching us.

His hand rustles in my hair, and his body leans into mine.

I could do this for hours.

((Hey guys!! Thanks for voting :) please keep voting omg please ! I work hard on these chapters to make sure they're not too short and it would mean a lot! So whatcha think so far? Lemme know !! -Jessie<3 ))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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