Author's Note

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Hello, all!  Thanks for choosing to read Run With Me, my very first Doctor Who fanfiction. This story takes place after Angels Take Manhattan, *tear*  but our lovely Doctor does not travel back to Victorian London- he sticks around modern day London, still moping about. Don't worry, though, he won't be like that for long. If you aren't caught up watching DW, I wouldn't recommend reading this story until you've seen all of the show so far, as it will most likely contain spoilers. (This story was inspired by InLoveWithARockStar's story, Wide Awake- and no, I didn't copy her. Go follow her, her stuff is amazing!)

If you're still reading this, then kudos to you. Please take time to read my author's notes at the beginning and end of each chapter, they may hold important information about the plot of the story or when the next chapter will be uploaded. I will be uploading in exchange for votes. (i.e. three for the next chapter, five for the next, etc.) I don't want to seem demanding- I just want to get my story out there.

Lastly, I really hope you enjoy my story. Constructive criticism is welcome, hate is not. If you comment anything offensive or hateful about my story, me, or anyone else on my page, you WILL be reported. There is a fine line between constructive criticism and hate- do not cross it. Comments, votes, follows, messages, shares, etc. etc. are welcome. Enjoy!

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