Chapter III - Anywhere and Any-When

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Alright lovelies. YAY I GOT A VOTE!!!! I really appreciate everyone who reads this story, thank you guys!!! You're awesome!!! So here's chapter 3, and things are starting to get interesting!!! Enjoy ;*

~~~Then he spoke in a voice so low, so quiet and so sad that I found myself latching on to every word.

"I've been so terribly lonely... for so long. Georgia Carter... I need you to tell me who you really are."~~~

"Who- who I really am? What are you talking about? You said it yourself- I'm Georgia. Journalist extraordinaire." I said the last part quite sarcastically.

The Doctor took his hand off my arm, but kept studying my face, and kept my chin in his hand.

"Come into the TARDIS with me. Just for a little while. I want to hear all about this 'trick'." He said, finally.

I hesitantly looked at the blue box. I guessed at least I could look around in it and figure out how Monica did it.

"Alright. If you can tell me how she managed to make it bigger on the inside." (Sorry, I had to lol.) I agreed, and pushed past the Doctor, yanking open the door and stepping one more into the wide space.

He followed shortly after, closing the door softly behind him. Then he hurried down the steps in search of two chairs. There was a loud crashing noise, and then a stream of words that sounded like curses in other languages from the Doctor; I struggled  to stifle my laugh as he came back, rubbing his head and dragging along a small couch.

He dragged it towards where I was standing, sat down, and patted the cushion next to him. I took a seat as far away as I could; I wanted to trust him, but I had to be rational about this. Or, as rational as I could get, seated on a couch in a retro police box that was somehow larger on the inside.

Before the Doctor could speak, I started telling him about the trick.

"Sometimes, I have these dreams. Well, one dream to be specific. It's always the same. I'm blindfolded, and someone's leading me out of a room -I can hear the door creak open- and I take the blindfold off and turn around to see a blue police box, just like this one. Well technically it's always different; once it was even an abandoned train car. Only recently it started looking like this. But just as soon as I get a good look at it, it starts to; I don't know... disappear? Almost like it's fading away. And then I wake up. I've told my colleagues about it- only to become the laughingstock of the newsroom. Monica doesn't like me at all; Eric, her boyfriend, doesn't like anyone she doesn't, so there you go. I figured they would be just the ones to pull some elaborate prank on me."

The Doctor listened to my story, frowning. He nodded when I finished, then looked over at what I guessed were the TARDIS controls. Standing up, he spoke to me.

"Well the first thing you need to understand, Georgia, is that this is definitely not a trick. I promise. I just really need you to trust me, right now. Can you do that?"

I stood up as well.

"I want to, Doctor. I really do. But- I'm not sure if I can, y'know? I mean- I don't even know your name. You're not really giving me anything to go on, here."

The Doctor sighed, walking over to me so that he was directly in front of me. Placing both hands on my shoulders, he bent down, his green eyes looking directly into my brown ones, almost as though he were looking directly through me.

"What if I told you I could take you anywhere? Anywhere in your wildest dreams- and more. Places you could never possibly imagine, ever. Entire worlds made of dust; cities built with fire, people as small as ants. Times no one has ever been; the most famous, and the most unknown. I can take you to the beginning of the universe, the beginning of time, and the end. The future, the past, anything. I have the whole of time and space, right at my fingertips. We can change history. We can visit the human race's most brilliant moments that haven't even happened yet. We can see it all. Anywhere, and any-when. Would you go with me?"

I stared at this strange man in awe. I could hardly form the words I wanted to say.

"I- but... why me?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

The Doctor smiled, the edges of his eyes crinkling.

"Why not?"

Eh. This one was short, too. I'm quite proud of the Doctor's little speech, though :)


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