Chapter V - A New Body

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I''m really sorry I haven't been updating as much, I've been busy with water polo and texting cute upperclassmen XD enjoy this chapter :)

~~~Sure enough, it was his voice that spoke near my ear a moment later, just before I lost consciousness.

"Oh, Georgia... who could you possibly be?"~~~

I woke up a few days later, to a violently shaking room. It stopped after a few seconds, and I laid back on the comfortable pillows. I didn't remember anything at first... then it all came rushing back to me. And much more. I was Georgia Carter- and now I'm not. Because I never really was her. My name was Calypso.

And I was a Timelord.

I had been turned human- turned into Georgia Carter. My Timelord being was trapped inside the fob watch, and when I opened it, I was turned back into a Timelord. The force was so powerful, it caused me to regenerate. New body, new mind, new personality, new everything. Which reminded me; this was exciting! I leapt out of bed, running around to look for the attached bathroom. Finding it, I rushed in and undressed in front of the full-length mirror. Taking a deep breath, I turned around and faced my new body. I was a little taller, and thinner- tanner, definitely. I was also noticeably shapier, I thought as I glanced down at my breasts. My feet were smaller and my legs slimmer; my shoulders were thinner and my neck slender. My new body was more feminine in general, more petite. I saved taking in my face for last; that was the deal breaker.

I was pleasantly surprised to find my lips were plumper, my nose smaller. My brown eyes were replaced by wide, electric blue ones which contrasted dramatically against the long, dark curls that framed my face; I was glad to be rid of my flat, blonde hair I had when I was Georgia. I had nice eyebrows, high cheekbones and a strong jaw. In other words; I was stunning.

"Hello, I'm Calypso." I spoke, trying out my new voice. It was slightly deeper- and had a little rasp to it. I smiled to myself. I really loved my new regeneration. I felt like I needed a second opinion, however.

Quickly changing into a bra and panties, I walked to the hallway.

"DOCTOOOOOR!" I called, then went back to the mirror.

A couple minutes later, the Doctor came into the bathroom, and I turned to face him, placing my hands on my hips.

"So? What do you think?"

He stopped in the doorway; he looked tired, but he looked me up and down anyway with a smile on his face. I twirled around slowly for him, and when I turned back he stood, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and a smirk on his thin lips.

"Gorgeous. Absolutely lovely. Why do my regenerations never look this good?" He added jokingly.

I laughed, a surprisingly light sound for my new voice.

"I've got breakfast down the hall, get dressed and join me. We have lots to talk about." He said, turning to leave me to dress.

After he closed the door behind him, I immediately went to the large closet at the far end of my room. Throwing the doors open, I searched for something to fit my style. Finally, not wanting to keep the Doctor waiting, I decided on a flowing gray dress, which complimented my eyes nicely. I swiped on slight eyeliner and mascara, strapped on sandals, and walked down to the dining room where the Doctor was waiting with breakfast.

So, she regenerated. That's cool. I know, I know, this chapter wasn't very exciting. Sue me, (please don't) but I felt like I needed to describe Calypso and how she felt about her new body. You'll be seeing more of her personality in upcoming chapters.


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