Day 5

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I saw your mother today Logan. She is devastated. I haven't showed her the note. I can't right now. I just can't.

Your father, sister and brother were also there. Lindsey and Lucas hugged me the longest. I didn't mind. They are like my 2nd family. 

Your funeral has been set. I think it is to early. I dont want to see you get lowered into a dark hole to be covered up and never seen again. 

I got into the alcohal today as well. I gut drunk. Alex came over again. I hugged her and cried while drunk. Brandon and Jake came over and saw what i was like. They cried with Alex and I. Jake made dinner but i didn't want to eat. I still haven't been hungry. 

Alex saw my arm today. She cried. She asked why and i replied "I am sad" and that made her cry even more. She pomised not to tell Brandon or Jake. I feel bad about keeping this from them but i have to.

When they left I read your note again. I can almost say it word for word. I study it all the time. I looked at your handwriting.

I miss your voice. Today i heard you talking to me. I was on the couch and then i just heard your voice. You said don't be sad. But how can i not be sad?

I am still wearing your hoodie. And i sleep in your bed. I haven't slept in my own bed since the day i found you. 

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