A new day

418 10 5

Vara's POV

I awoke the next morning to a bright light streaming in through the window. I smiled softly as I realised the sun had not long risen and this was my favourite time of day. Stretching I rose from the soft bed and went into the bathroom , where I proceeded to wash myself .Returning to my bedroom I ran a hand through my long blonde hair untangling any knots that may have ravelled there way into it during the night. Walking into my wardrobe I selected a long lime green dress and flats to match. Once I was satisfied with how I looked ,I proceeded to pick a book from the book shelf in my room and go look for a place to read. Leaving the bedroom I walked the castle halls until I came to a kitchen. There I was greeted by eleven chefs I smiled and wished them a good morning. I grabbed an apple and continued my pursuit for a place to read , not long after I found a door that lead outside! It was a nice warm day so I decided outside would be and ideal place to read. Walking out the door there was a path surrounded by trees like An arch. I walked along the path , seeing where it lead and came across a beautiful sight. Gardens , gorgeous flowers of all types bloomed and beyond an archway , vibrant green grasses lay . It was breathtaking, I was in awe . I looked around me and saw a bench ,smiling I say and made myself comfortable and started to read .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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