complications in greenwood

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Varas POV

(Picture on side is varas wings)

"Lower your bows ,I mean no harm" I said my voice came out strong and steady and I could see a few elves cast me confused looks at the power and authority it held. "Who are you and why are you in our woods",I heard a voice behind me ,I turned to see a blonde elf standing behind me his bow strapped across his back. "Legolas greenleaf, prince of greenwood " I said recognizing the boy. "How do you know who I am and once again why are you here",he snapped at me." That's a long and complicated story so if you would be as kind to let me go so I can complete my mission I will be very thankful",I said not wanting to have to use my powers ,I turned on my heels and heard a gasp behind me."valadhiel" (angel) I heard Legolas say as my wing which had been folded on my back under my cloak came into  view.Immediately I had bows and arrows pointed back at me " you must be taken to Ada , King Thranduil as I'm sure he has many questions to ask you and will be very happy to learn what you are",Legolas said while turning on his heal and starting to walk north while to elvish guards took my weapons and then held me arms as we started after Legolas to meet King  Thranduil of greenwood, this should be fun

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