The Descent from heaven

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God looked at me with eyes full of sorrow and fright and I know how he felt.He was afraid that if I failed my mission that the world would turn to chaos and would be cast into an endless void of darkness, never to see light again and he was also afraid of losing me I could see it in his eyes."You know what you need to do",he asked I simply nodded not showing any emotion I wouldn't Couldnt allow myself to show emotion because I knew that if I did I could jepordise this whole mission and that wasn't an option."Well then go forth with peace and harmony and this gift to remind you of home and to always look for the light even in the darkest of places",he said while handing me a necklace which held a real star that shone brightly wrapped in mitral which is a metal that can't be  broken and wings wrapped around it on the back their was an engraving

"Look to the stars and I shall be there to guide you home"

I smiled warmly at the gift and put it around my neck and clasped it shut,turning to god I smiled and said "I wish you hope and harmony dear friend " and then in a explosion  of the whitest of lights I felt myself falling ,starting my descent from heaven.

Okay this is my last update today as its 4 o'clock it the morning and I'm wreaked but ill up date more tomorrow night y'all

Sophie xx

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