Chapter 5: Everyone has a weird family

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Chapter 5: Everyone has a weird family

We had just gotten to our hotel. The boys and I were going to share a suite. As we got into our room, the boys scattered out around the room jumping on the couch and beds. I was walking by myself. I was still pretty confused on what had just taken place.

Louis: Alexis come over here. 

Louis had lead me to the bathroom. He had opened one of the droors.

Louis: Here is chocolate, midol, and tampons. We don't need to know when you are well on it just keep it to yourself.

I had nodded my head. Weird?

Louis had handed me a bag.

Louis: Here is the plan for our disguises okay Lexi.

Louis gave me a nickname? No one really called me Lexi. Except well one person really did.

Me: yea?

Louis: Our manager who is too in hiding came up with the plan for our disguises. We are going to be disguised as a family from Michigan. Harry will be the husband and you will be his lovely prego wife.

Me: What?

Louis: Oh and Niall will be Harry's dad making him the grandpa. I will be the grandma. Zayn is your sister Patricia and Liam is your gay cousin.

Me: Why am I the pregnant wife. Why can't Zayn be the pregnant lady especially if he is dressing up like a woman?

Louis: Because pregnant women are cute and girly. You fit perfectly in that description. Zayn well on the   is hot as just a woman. So here's your outfit and  come out when your ready.

Louis had left the bathroom.

Okay so I was wrong earlier today on the disguises that Harry and I had worn at the gas station. The disguises we would have to be wearing now were by FAAAR more awkward. I opened the bag finding a fake pregnant belly suit, a bra surprisingly my size, clean undies (YES!), mid length skirt, and tee. It was difficult putting on the belly suit thing but once I had it on, I came out of the bathroom.

There I saw the boys all changed. They totally looked different. They all had face masks on making them actually look exactly what Louis said they were to be disguised. Zayn looked exactly like any Patricia would. He had blond hair, boobs, and fake eye contacts. Louis had look like an old woman. He had grey hair in a bun, a hump on his back, old granny clothes, and a wrinkly face. Niall looked like a Grandpa. He had a bald spot with grey hairs. He also had a beer tummy. Liam was dressed up like any gay sassy friend any girl could have. He had a backstreet boy's hairdo and a different nose. His nose was quite an exotic shape. Then there was Harry. He too had a larger nose and he too had a wig on. The wig was straight, short, brown hair. 

Harry: Aw why if it my beautiful wifey carrying our offspring,

I lifted one brow over the other.

Niall: Haha now be careful with those jugs.

Me: Excuse me?

Liam: We didn't even need to stuff your bra.

Louis: Right she already looks like-

Me: Hey now please don't talk about me like that. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

Harry: You guys that wasn't nice but soo true at the same time.

I rolled my eyes.

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