Chapter 9: The Unlucky Virgin Mary

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Chapter 9: The Unlucky Virgin Mary

I was woken up to a loud banging on my door.

Niall: Yoohoo Miss Lexi Sexy gotta get up

Liam: We have a date at the Stratosphere.

Liam and Niall were very giggly.

All a sudden Harry came next to the door scolding Liam and Niall.

Harry: You guys should never wake a lady like this it is rude. Here is how you wake a lady up.

Harry opens the door walking in the doorway silently. I felt someone place their hand on my back. I'm assuming it's Harry's.

Harry: Alexis?

Me: hmm.

I was still very sleepy.

Harry: It is time to get up. We are leaving in a half hour for the Lion King.

I rolled over onto my back. Liam and Niall were still standing in the doorway. Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed.

Me: I will get up in five more minutes.

I rolled back onto my side.

Harry had turned back facing Liam and Niall's way.

Harry: And if a lady says that you-

Niall had cut Harry.

Niall: You run into her bed tickling her.

With that being stated, Niall and Liam had ran over to my bed jumping on it and began to tickle my sides,


Liam: Well because you said please,

He and Niall both looked at each other than back at me

Liam: No!

They kept on tickling me. I let out loud shrieks and screams.

Zayn: What the hell is going on?

Zayn was standing in the doorway. Louis had just walked right behind him.

Louis: Oh goodness. You guys were are going to get reported from the people below us. They are going to complain to the hotel staff how loud we are being.

I hid underneath the covers as Niall and Liam kept on trying to tickle me.

Me: STOP!!!!

Niall: Awe she is sure feisty.

Liam: And sassy too. Just like Zayn.

Harry: You guys leave her alone. She just woke up from her nap.

What do you know. We heard a knock on the door in the next ten minutes. It was one of the hotel clerks. Thankfully Niall and Louis were dressed up like an old couple.

Hotel Clerk: Sir we are hearing complaints about your room that you guys are being too loud.

Niall or should I say Grandpa: Awe geez told you honey we can't do it here.

Louis or Granny: Can't do what?

Grandpa: Have sweaty sex. We too loud.

Granny: That's just because you can't drop it low like you used to.

The hotel clerk seemed grossed out.

Hotel Clerk: Thank you for listening.

With that, he left. Zayn, Liam, Harry, and I were hiding. Once the coast was clear we all burst into laughter.

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