A Tag

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I was tagged by FrostNinja106 and have to do this.

1. You have to post the rules
2. You have to tag 13 people
3.  They have to answer 13 questions
4. 13 questions you made up
5. You can't skip
6. ------
7. If you skip, do as I say
8. Make title creative
9. You must do this in a book

Questions I was asked
1. What's your favorite Wattpad Story?

Idk. I read way too much

2.  What are your top ships from your two best series?

I have too many OTPs and too many Fandoms. My top ships(I can't do just two)
Bbrae Jaya Bropper Appledash Romione Are some of my top ships

3. If you could have any element/ power, what would it be?

Lighting/ Electricity. That has been my obsession ever since I created the original Mixi Walker

4. Good or bad side?

I'm good but definitely bad as well

5. What's your Fave artist?

Idk. I like a lot.

6. If you could pick one show to watch for the rest of your life, what would it be?

EAH, HP, or Ninjago

7. Hunger Games or Divergent?

I only know the Hunger Games, so I guess that. THE ENDING OF MOCKINGJAY= COMPLETE TRASH

8. Would you rather live as an only child or with a sibling?


9.  Fave anime?

Hands down Fairy Tail, or Glitter Force

10. What's your favorite/love life from your fave series?

I'm a bit confused on this one...

11. Red or green

Hmm... in the end , I'd have to go with green, I guess

12. Would you rather live with a giant spider or fight in a zombie apocalypse?

Hmm. The spider, because if I don't like it I will grab my chainsaw

13. Ninjago or Chima?

Ninjago. Screw corrupt animals fighting over energy crystal and then proceeding to eat it or put it in their weapons later

My Questions are:

1. What's your Top Fandom?

2. What's your Favorite Mission Impossible movie?

3. What is the one thing you hate most?

4. If you had three wishes (and you couldn't wish for more wishes) what would they be?

5.  What's the strangest secret you ever kept?

6. Where do you keep your pencils?

7. How many cats would you have if you ran a cat orchestra?

8. What are five traits you like in a person? Can you name them?

9. Dragons or Griffins? Pick one

10. Do you have a fear of bees?

11. Who is your least favorite couple/ ship in all of your Fandoms?

12. What are your top OTPs?

13. Do you know anyone without a brain?

I tag:


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