Hey, FYI my friends

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I deleted Equestria After High and my Alvin and the Chipmunks fanfiction because

A) I HATED MY AATC FANFIC, I'm sorry, just had to get that out there, I lost interest about a month after writing it along with the fandom a bit. Also, on that book, within the HOUR that I published the latest chapter I got a comment that said "Update". It was then that I knew I was pissed with that fanfic, I kept it up for a bit, but even MORE shitty update comments came in. And that's just annoying to every author, I know that from PERSONAL experience. Idk if I've done it, maybe on a Bubble Guppies story when I first joined the WWW, no, not Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, the Wide World of Wattpad. Now that I'm writing this, I feel that it should be in my rant book, although half the shit in my rant book is Cupid activism, I should have an activism club for hated characters. Good idea. DONT STEAL IT. IF YOU WILL I WILL FIND YOU!!!
maybe Pyrrha would agree for the rant book stuff...


How did you get here?

Lola and Lionel: *walk in* we were playing cards

Fine. Whatever. Continuing.

2) I lost interest in MLP. Sure I will talk about it with you all, but honestly, (sorry for the comma overuse, ), People join and loose Fandoms, I still will talk and rant with you if you want it on MLP, but I don't really like it that much anymore. That doesn't stop Rarity and Fluttershy being some of my favorite TV characters of all time, but I just don't read Sparity, Appledash or any of that anymore. Don't hate me for it, but I just didn't really want to write MLP fanfics anymore. Understandable right?

3) AATC music makes my ears bleed now, MLP music, not at all, Welcome to the Show and Under Our Spell are still in my music library. *imitates Adagio's evil laugh at the end of Under Our Spell*

AATC songs sound around the level of Sweatshirt, and that song makes me want to rip my ears off. Also

*goes and comes back with cat ear hadphones around my neck that are plugged into a purple iPod* found it.

A Kitty C

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A Kitty C. Rant is not complete without multimedia and ending with C A Cupid activism, don't worry that's coming

 Rant is not complete without multimedia and ending with C A Cupid activism, don't worry that's coming

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