Chapter 1 :

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It was a cold canadian winters day as he gazed out the window from his wheel chair like he does everday.
Mr. Venkman tends to keep to him self over the past three years he has lived in a carehome. His family dropped him off one day said he was losing it bad.

He told his family he was a Doctor. and that he needed to save the world from Ghosts they all laughed at him. Told him that they weren't real. But there was one nurse that too belived him and his stories were true.

He told Rebekka his nurse for years that he worked as a ghostbuster no one else belived him except for her. She never belived in ghosts. She spent countless hours with Mr. Venkman listening to The stories he told. The stories were quite intresting but very far fetched at first she thought his stories was just a typical acid trip fuel hullucination Rebekka thought to her self as she looked around the room watching all the other old people playing crib and chess and bickering at each other.

Most of them too messed up to know whats actually going on around them or with them selves for that matter. The medication the doctors feed these old people fuel there imagition to a scary point. They do know the diffrence between reality and imagination.

Later that night Rebekka tucked in Mr. Venkman and proceded to start on her nightly paperwork but this pounding headache was giving her trouble. She walked over to the locked medicine cabinet. Stuck her key in and slowly turned the key so it wouldent make a noise. She moved a few bottles around mumbling the names of each drug "nope, nope not that one....perfect just what the docor ordered" then lauged at her self im no doctor.

The bottle reads "take one every 6 hours" she took 2 thinking they would work faster" Rebekka sits dow at her computer and starts to type up a report and starts to doze off in a deep sleep

Ghostbusters: Untold Story Of Dr. Peter VenkmanWhere stories live. Discover now