~Chapter 6~ And So The Plot Thickens...

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"What are you doing here?" Apple felt self-conscious but unable to look away from his gaze. As Daring walked towards her he tried to find a reasonable answer, he had no idea why he was where he was. Looking at Apple's calm face he knew she was mortified underneath a thin layer of unnecessary makeup, Daring was mortified to but at himself not Apple. As if Raven could read their minds, the purple haired girl took her leave. He looked at Apple's pale yellow silk tank top and red skirt before staring at her yellow shoes that exposed her red painted nails.

"I, er, don't know why I'm here in all honesty." Daring said quietly, almost mumbling, after hearing the door softly close behind ravens Gothic styled self.

Apple was staring at him in astonishment. As happy as she was to see him, she couldn't believe he had the nerve to barge into her room without a reason. Apple tried to focus on being happy to see him instead of being mad. Daring just looked at her as she tucked some blonde curls away from her face, he thought he was supposed to do that. Daring to a step closer so they were face to face unsure of what to say.

"Neither of them will back out right?" Daring said in one of those half whisper voices people in the movies did that made the girls go wild. Apple simply shook her head. It was true, Lizzie definitely wouldn't give him up and neither would she. Cerise probably would but there is still a sliver of a chance of her getting fully involved in this. Daring pressed his fingers to his lips before and then removed them, "So what do I do?" 

"Kiss me" Apple thought she had said it in her mind. But unfortunately that was not the case. Daring looked at her with halfhearted nonchalance meanwhile inside he was panicking. What did he do in this situation. Well obviously kiss her, he guessed.

And so the bright red half of Apple's dorm turned dim, and the two of them were now in full saturation. Apple closed her eyes not believing what was about to happen as Daring put two fingers under her dainty chin. And then...

They kissed.


Lizzie was sitting on a balcony between the dormitory rooms and the library in thought. It wasn't the deep kind, just a lazy daydream in her head. Lizzie was looking over the horizon watching the day go past. It was almost a Monday already. But at least today will be a productive day, she had gotten the fabric she needed for the dress she wanted to make, and she got extra for a shirt. Plus she got some denim to make some jeans or a skirt. That made her happy.

The trees swayed in the cool breeze and Lizzie shuddered in the cold. But she didn't want to move. Her hands rested on the golden bench either side of her thighs but she felt far away. Far away to Wonderland, her home, where her mother is. Lizzie's crazy, stressed out, mother (Queen of Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts). She sat and imagined the constant hum of the playing card animals and that everything worth creating was already there. Home sounded amazing to Lizzie in this moment. But home had no Daring, Lizzie's heart would ache ten times more than it did now if she went home without him, if she was allowed to go home in the first place. Even if it meant that then his and Lizzie's destinies would go as planned, Lizzie wouldn't be able to stand not seeing his shining smile. 

Lizzie soon decided to make the dress she had wanted to make instead of wilt on a bench like a picked flower. So she headed back to her room. As she opened the door to her dorm, out of the corner of her eye she saw Daring. He was coming out of Apple's room. Daring froze for a second at the sight of Lizzie before they both turned away and carried on like something wasn't happening. 

Once Lizzie got inside her dorm, she slammed the door as hard as she could knowing Daring could probably still hear it, and then broke down into tears. Whatever he was doing in there, Lizzie thought, it wasn't in her favour.


Cerise was swinging her legs off of a tree branch that she was sitting on. The cool morning breeze brushed her half bare legs and exposed shoulder blades. Cerise wore her usual brown boots with some knee socks poking out from the top and a shirt dress she had always liked after Lizzie didn't want it anymore. That was back when they were friends, Cerise didn't know what they were now. Acquaintances? But that couldn't bother her right now. Nothing could touch her in this very moment. Cerise was back in her place, her home pretty much. The dull green tree leaves brushed her skin like they were trying to reach out to her and the dirt smiled up at her from the ground. Cerise was well aware that she was going to miss breakfast, but an offspring of Little Red Riding Hood always had a basket of goodies at hand. 


Apple strutted her way to the cafeteria in the best mood she had been in for a while. No guilt towards Lizzie or Cerise were to be found as the romance still pumped through her system. Briar was waiting for Apple at a table in the far left corner with Ashlynn-Ella, gossiping away like usual. But instead of sitting down and getting far to involved with drama that wasn't hers, the gossip abruptly stopped as Apple sat down. 

"What...What were you talking about?" Apple questioned as Briar pushed some pancakes topped with apple slices her way. Both of them didn't answer, they just stared at the layer of golden syrup on Apple's pancakes as if the golden streaks were the most interesting thing in the world. Apple ignored not being told and instead grinned at them both, "Daring kissed me."

Brair and Ashlynn were stunned, happily or sadly though Apple didn't know.

A/N Not sure how this chapter turned out, I didn't proof read it for long so there will have been a few mistakes but nothing most of you can't bypass, I hope... Anyway! Is Apple loosing her generous and sweet side? And will Apple and Daring get together after all? I don't know yet, we'll both have to find out! :P

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