~Chapter 9~Transferring Confidence

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It came to the next day at Ever After and the sun filtered through the sleeping student's windows leaking into their eyes as they woke. Panicking groups rushed to finish while others added finishing touches as the hour of judgment approached. The arms on the clock seemed to be going faster each second but Cerise, Daring, Lizzie and Apple were not worried for they had worked through some of the night to finish. In a rush, but still to a good quality everything was finished in time. 

They all woke up and took showers, got ready etc. Cerise applied a layer of clear lipgloss and then headed out the dorm door with her wolf ears completely covered like usual. Apple streaked her face with makeup that she didn't need at all and then grabbed her previously packed bag from the night before. Lizzie finished up the line of stitches she was working on as her hair dried and then brushed her long locks. And Daring slept in as long as he could making him fashionably late but still as gorgeous as ever. 

He walked past the mostly empty hallways of the school and to his classroom where everyone was waiting mostly patiently. Daring could hear the teacher talking to the class with his scratchy voice and plain annoying tones. 

"You're late," Mr Rumplestiltskin boomed at him. Clearly bored of the routine, the teacher awaited the usual reply.

"Oh Mr Rumplestiltskin, a prince charming in waiting needs their beauty sleep does he not?" Daring scanned the room for his group as he spoke. Apple waved at him, beckoning him over to the middle of the group and to a chair in the middle of Lizzie and Apple. Cerise and Lizzie watched him as he strolled casually over to the wooden table like the chair was a mile away and he had 6 hours to get there. 

"I enjoy seeing your project Charming," The teacher had a fail in stall for the group but he had to at least see the project before grading it badly. But to Mr Rumplestiltskin the odds of a good grade for them were as out of reach as the top shelf for his short height. But how he was wrong. 

An array of cakes, picture frames and anything in between lay on the tables completed to high and low standards. Cerise's idea was completely original and no one in the room had thought of it. Although, Daring didn't even know the group had an idea. A twang of guilt and pain bounced across his bones for not helping, but he wasn't asked too. Did people really think he was that useless? He thought about it for a second and it put him down. 

In silence the group sat as the others explained their products like an info-mercial. Their product was good but their info-mercial speech was not, they didn't even have one. Apple was sure the criterea, now thinking about it, said, "And have an amazing description that makes everyone want to buy it". The group of tale riddled teens did not in fact have a speech. So when it came to their turn, everyone was looking at Cerise. 

"What?" Cerise practically pleaded not to do it with a word completely irrelevant. Daring looked at her panicked face wishing he could do something, but he didn't know anything about the product apart from that it looked like a notebook. Cerise pulled her hood onto her head as well as pulling on Daring's heart strings. If only they included him and thought he was capable. 

"It was your idea," Even Apple seemed nervous as she muttered to Cerise and that seriously never happened. With a smooth touch on Cerise's arm, Apple had Cerise standing. Cerise turned to look at everyone so she wasn't too inclined to glare at Apple, but it took more effort to look at everyone's curious faces staring at her. Even Mr Rumplestiltskin seemed to be wearing a look of sympathy and curiosity. 

"Uh. Our product is a... A notebook," She started already loosing some people's attention. Apple's lips were pursed though she had no right to be angry at Cerise for she had not volunteered to save the day like Cerise was now being forced to do. Daring looked at Cerise's blushing face in awe that even though she didn't want to and would practically do anything to get out of it, she was still standing up there on the polished floor taking a hit for a stupid school project. Cerise caught Daring's encouraging gaze and felt a confidence flood through her.

"Anything else?" Mr Rumplestiltskin wouldn't usually ask them at all. He would usually just fail them right there, but Cerise practically lit up after Daring's confidence had somehow transferred into her. 

"Yes, these notebooks are designed for everyone and anyone. For the people to scared to write their own destiny in reality, for people who don't have a destiny that they are aware of. And even for people who just need some paper from time to time, this notebook is handy, stylish and a great price, 7.50 school credits each they are even perfect for notes to revise for the upcoming test every teacher wants us to do well on," Everyone was amazed and completely sold, whether it was Cerise's out-of-the-blue confidence or the actual words she used was unknown. It seemed that Daring was no longer the profit bait, Cerise was. 

"Pass," Rumplestiltskin spat at them after a few seconds of unwanted preparation. But what he would say to all of them next would shoot some fear into them, add an extra sprinkling of nerves. In a low tone but loud volume Rimplestiltskin told them all,"But the most important part of your grades comes from the other students. The battle for profit and amazing sales will begin shortly so prepare yourselves in the great hall immediately," 

And with that all Hell broke loose. Heavy breathing and heavy boxes crowded the rooms as the students of Ever After High rushed to the hall praying that they could get a decent grade in the time given.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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