Letter 3: Lord Vader

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Here is Kaia's third letter and it's about none other than the Lord of the Sith.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I'm still so nervous, my hearts racing a million parsecs a second. Today was the day Lord Vader arrived and guess what, my squadron was picked as one of those to meet him! I know I would normally ask how you are by now but can I please recount my meeting with Lord Vader while it's still fresh in my mind? It was so nerve-wracking and awesome at the same time.
      He arrived on a shuttle and as the landing ramp descended I swear my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I was afraid but excited at the same time. As soon as it fully descended there was the sound of footsteps. One, two, three... I lost count. And then I felt it,the overwhelming presence Lord Vader has. When he walked past us I saw him. A black mask on his face, a black mechanical suit and a cloak that swished behind him. The whole room was silent and only lord Vader's mechanical breathing was heard. It was a sound so terrifying that I felt a chill run up my spine. The rumours turned out to be true- Lord Vader is in fact one of the most terrifying men in the Galaxy but also one of the most awe-inspiring, with him we will not loose to anyone that might oppose us. When he spoke his voice was so authoritative and dangerous that it made everyone straighten up and hold their breath. It was very clear to all of us that anyone that dared to even step out of line would meet a cruel fate. Death. Even after Lord Vader left the room and we were all sent back to work it was as if I was still frozen, no, not just me - everyone was in shock.
    Actually I doubt I'll ever forget this moment, not that I want to. Like I said before I've always admired and respected Lord Vader and even now that has not changed but it seems that I also hold a small amount of fear of him too. I don't know exactly why he came here but that's to be expected- I'm just a simple soldier after all. One of those loyal to our glorious empire.
    As for the restlessness here, it seems to have become silent since Lord Vader arrived. They obviously fear him and they're smart to do that. Those three moronic juveniles were brought back into command today though I don't know for what and it's pretty clear that it's not my place to ask. I didn't see them leave but that's probably because I was so busy all day.
     Anyway, how are you? I don't know what grandpa was so worried about, I mean he even told me to be careful around Lord Vader- I wasn't going to do anything stupid in front of the leader of our imperial force and he knows that. Please remind him that I'm not an idiot. I hope dad is feeling ok, it's the season when his allergies act up after all. I miss both of you and, truth be told, grandpa and his rants a lot but what I'm doing here will help maintain the peace that we have. After all we all owe a lot to the empire because without it the galaxy would still be at war.
    I'm sorry but I've got to go to the medical centre - I seem to have caught a bug and my squadron officer ordered me to go get a check up. He said that he can't have his men falling ill. But I'm a woman. Hah, get the joke? I know that was a lame attempt at some humour, I've never been good at jokes. So take care of yourselves and don't worry about me! I'll be waiting for your letter.

From your daughter Kaia or C-9786T

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