Letter 5: Promotion and the leader

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Hey, everyone! Thanks for being so patient with me. And here's the next letter - Letter 5. You know I was thinking when I'm done with all the letters why not turn this into a real fanfic? What do you think? Yes or no?

Pic of Lieutenant Kaia up top--->>>


Dear Mum and Dad,

I know, I know I promised to write sooner but everything has been so hectic the past 3 days. Actually hectic doesn't even begin to cover it - chaotic is more like it. Remember the last time I wrote I mentioned that the commander wanted to speak to us? Well, it turns out he decided to drop a bomb on us. No, Mum - it's not an actual bomb it's just a turn of phrase! Dad, please try to make her stop worrying. Anyway, it turns out that we've been promoted!
Promotion l, can you believe it?! I'm so happy. This is me going even above and beyond my dream. Apparently I'm lieutenant Jarrde now. Cool,huh? Reg, Arcan and Lars were also promoted. But there's something you should know, this is officially more or less classified but I have permission to tell you: as you know the rank gap between trooper and lieutenant is huge and there is a reason we made this jump, a very good reason. Truth be told the rank change is only a formality, for show.
All four of us needed a higher rank so we would be able to perform our duties without restrictions. Our new duties. Here's the thing: I am now the official designated leader of the IITE unit. The first of it's kind. IITE unit stands for Imperial Intelligence, Tracking and Elimination unit. The order of its creation and its members apparently came from up top and the commander had no say in it. And so is my being appointed the leader, according to the others it probably because I caught the leader of the major Mandolorian rebel cell and because I can shoot (they were very frank about that).
Speaking of him - he's apparently in Imperial Intelligence custody being interrogated. I myself was asked a few quick questions about him but I couldn't give them anything too helpful. I don't even know the guys name. I have no clue if they've made him talk yet or not but I'm fairly sure he'll tell them what they want to know. What it is is beyond me - I'm not part of that. Concerning him- there's one thing that bothers me - he's very, very strange. I can't put my finger on it but something about him is.
   Anyway, looping back to the IITE - we have a weird structure. I'm the leader and my specialisation is in intelligence and elimination. Arcan - who I chose as my XO, in tracking and intelligence, Reg- demolitions and elimination (nearly the same thing if you ask me), Lars- intelligence and logistics. So basically I'm the sniper and interrogator( something along those lines), Arcan is our infiltration, network connection and tracker guy, Reg- grenadier, distraction and demolitions/sabotage guy and Lars- is our communications, planning and strategy man as well as technician. However, even though we're all the only members of the IITE unit - we will normally have separate assignments. What they are exactly I'm forbidden to say. All I can tell you is that even though my life further down is going to be dangerous- don't worry about me.
   Um, I don't know how to say this exactly but please pass on my gratitude to grandpa. I sorta owe him my life now. The medics were shooed to find that I only had a few scratches and bruises. They expected severe fractures even internal organ damage but found nothing like that. What I'm trying to say here is that the odd forms the old man taught me saved my life. I was using my rifle as a sword because that was the best I had. The commander laughed about it when he read the report. Thank you, grandfather.
  Anyway, I've gotta go. Duty calls! I'm supposed to get my first assignment today- wish me luck. Hope to hear from you soon.

From your daughter Kaia or Lieutenant Jarrde (still excited)

P.S. I sent this through an encrypted channel - I'm glad you figured out that you had to say my name for it to open. I might be doing this more often - I don't want anybody reading this apart from you.

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