Letter 9: Birthdays and people

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Here's letter 9!


Letter 9: Birthdays and people

Dear Mum and Dad,
How is the old man's health now? As much as we may butt heads I do want him to get better. He is my grandfather and I do love him even with his constant rants. I actually am starting to miss those a lot. Though I miss sparring with him on vibroblades a lot more, it always surprised me how spry he was for an old man. He always said that he was drawing on the universes energy - I never got that, still don't really.
    Yesterday was quite a surprise for me. Believe it or not I forgot all about my 20th birthday. I guess I really am turning into a bit of a workaholic, not that I'm enjoying this. But if the work that I'm doing helps the Empire it's all worth it! If not for Arcan showing up out of the blue in my office and dragging me off I think I'd have stayed in there pulling an another all-nighter, sorting out through the data we got. There's quite a bit of paperwork involved as odd as it is. Anyway, it turns out the boys had planned out a small birthday party for me! I was so happy and surprised at the same time! However Arcan did lecture me about pushing myself too much lately, I apologised for worrying him. You know now that I think about it Arcan is the person that I spend the most time with oddly. If it weren't for him reminding me to eat, sleep and rest I doubt I could still keep going. I'm glad I chose him as my XO, it's thanks to him that I'm still able to fight off my disease.
      However while some men can help me keep moving others seem to enjoy driving me mad. I've got nearly no information out of Theron apart from what he willingly divulged that's nearly no help at all. My higher-ups don't seem concerned oddly enough - it turns out even Lord Vader's inquisitors couldn't crack him. Some kind of mental conditioning. Theron Onasi is officially impossible! Working with him drives me mad everyday. It's nuts. I have no idea how to deal with a guy like him! Ugh.
      Well, I better get some sleep. I've been trying to come up with how to tackle that idiot into talking but so far no luck. I can see the sun rising already and I haven't slept yet. Hope to hear from you soon.
From your daughter Kaia or Lieutenant Jarrde

P.S Thanks for the dress you sent me, I loved it. It's been ages since I've worn anything that's not standard issue uniform, wish I had a cause.

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