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What does this mean? Only I can save her ? What is going to happen to her ? Why- all these questions drowning my mind. I kept looking at the picture of Brook with red eyes. She can't be like us. She can't live with the desire of just killing everyone. She can't live in this unhappy world, where the only thing that keeps you happy is the death of someone else. " SHE CANT BE ONE OF US " I yell falling down on the floor gripping my hair.
' Brook I'm a vampire
I know that Grayson and I sometimes fear you
Why- Please don't , I will never hurt you
I-It's just that I never thought it was real................until I met you
Yeah me either , but I promise not to hurt you Brook .........because I love you
Grayson I love you too
I will protect you from anyone and anything
Grayson can I ask you something......
Yeah why not
When you turn into a vampire please don't drag me down with you.........don't harm me. I don't want to become one of your kind. Yeah it seems cool but I want to live and die peacefully.............please don't let be become a vampire.......promise
I promise Brook'
That one conversation we had kept replaying in my mind. I promised not to let her turn into one of us. But I can't save her- I moved on . Why is my mind doing this . I get up and look at the screen again , I start breaking things , punching walls . I'm going insane. " AHHHHHHH" I screamed as I fell once again into the floor.


Jaque pointed at Jakes phone , Marcus was calling him. Brook had to be there.  We then hear Neels phone go off, it was Marcus again. Yup she had to be there. " Let's go " I tell Jaque she nodded and we left. " Ethan can I tell you something " Jaque said as we got into the car. I looked at her , I didn't want her to tell me anything but I mean if I'm going to be with her in this car for the next I don't know how long then it's best to have good vibes. " Uh yeah " I said backing away from the cabin. " I uh " My phone went off. It was Grayson calling me , what did he want now. HE WANTS TO BE THE HERO ! I hesitated to answer
||.G- Grayson    E- Ethan.||
E- Hello
G- Ethan
Grayson sounded like if he was really hurt and he was also sobbing.
E- yeah whats up
G- You have to save her quickly Ethan
E- what do you mean Gray
G- If you don't then she will turn into one of us.......I got a warning
E- ok I will , I have to go
I hanged up. I looked at Jaque " Ethan it's for the better " she said as if she had read my dividing thoughts . " NO! Jaque all he ever did was harm her " I tell Jaque. " ETHAN YOU ARE SO- WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM, HES YOUR BROTHER " she yelled back. Grayson is my brother, but I have always put him before me. He always gets what he wants , it's always Grayson . Grayson this Grayson that, GRAYSON GRAYSON GRAYSON! It's never me Ethan,NEVER!! " You don't understand Jaque " I tell her as we on the road to Marcus cabin . " Ethan yes I do . You're only doing this because you are hurt " she tells me as she grips my hand. I remove my hand quickly from hers " Ha hurt , I wonder why would I be hurt " I tell her looking straight at her. She looked as if she wanted to erupt at me but something held her back. " Ethan people do things they later regret but they do it because of a purpose " she tells me as she looks out the window. " That's your pathetic excuse Jaque HAHAHA really c'mon do better " I tell her . She looks at me " I'm only in this for Brook , I won't say nothing else " she tells me as she just keeps on texting someone.


He looked up at me " May I see your hand so I can cure it , and not get an infection " I look at my open cut and let him cure me. " Lucas you haven't answered my question " I tell him as I lift up his face with my open hand " Ok your all good, just rest your arm . I have to go , I will talk to you later beautiful " he said as he got up and left. Why wouldn't he tell me , I won't get mad if he's one of them. The only possible way i will be hurt is if he's a werewolf because we all know vampires and werewolves don't combine. And when they do its not a pretty picture. But Marcus is a vampire and Lucas is his twin so I guess he's a vampire as well. Maybe he thinks I will fear him if he tells me. But I seen worst and I been hurt .........by one of them. I remember my phone , I had to call my parents , they should  be worried about me. I look and look but I didn't find it maybe they have it, I go downstairs to ask Lucas. " Hey um Lucas do you know where's my phone ?" I ask him. Marcus comes in " You don't need it - oh and your parents they know you are ok . But they didn't even care about you th- " " MARCUS STOP " Lucas interrupted Marcus . How stupid of me of course they never cared, not even my mom. Why did I even think they did. She is way happier without me. " But like I was saying all your mom said was that she will be happier now " Marcus said smirking. " Don't believe him " Lucas came and was about to hug me but then Marcus punched him to the ground. " Don't even Lucas " he said. " LUCAS " I yell as I kneel to him. " LEAVE BABYGIRL, I DONT WANT TO HURT YOU ANYMORE " Marcus yells at me. I was now in tears. " NO STOP HURTING HIM " I yell he was about to slap me again but Lucas stopped him . " Leave to your room Brook " Lucas tells me while still grabbing Marcus hand . " But-" " It's ok just leave " Lucas tells me again, I nod and leave to my room.


I get off my car and go to Melissa's door. She opens up and hugs me. " Hey babe " she says with excitement. She leads me up to her room. " How's it been " I tell her . " Well I been missing my Daddyyyyy " she whispers in my ear but I hate that about her, it doesn't even turn me on . Not the slightest to be honest. " Uh I meant the baby Melissa " I tell her getting up and away from her. " oh uh right the baby -well um" she looks around for a bit as like if thinking of an answer. " Oh uh ITS A BOY GRAY!" She says jumping around me. To be honest she is a weird carrier like she doesn't even have pregnant stomach, or when I'm with her she never throws up. I wish my mom was here to tell me if this is normal. Or maybe even Cameron but they're not. " Uh Melissa " I tell her getting her away from me . " Yeah babe " she says uneasy. " Look I don't want to be with you anymore- I would rather give you money for you and the baby but I don't want to be with you " I tell her. " Grayson but why - after everything we been through " she said as she grabbed her stomach. " WHY GRAYSON " she yells in my face. " YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE ONLY A ONE NIGHT STAND " I yell at her. She looks at me with disgust " You think you can leave so easy by just hurting me, I know these kinds of tricks Dolan" she  tells me as tears ruin her mascara. " WHAT THE FUCK MELISSA?! ITS NOT MY PROBLEM YOU GOT PREGNANT! I USED A FUCKING CONDOM!" I yell at her. " But you kn- " " You Know what Goodbye, tell me when it's born " I tell her as I leave her room. She goes after me but I leave her house and get into my car. I look at her and get out the parking lot. " YOU WILL PAY GRAYSON DOLAN!" are the last words I hear from her. " Yeah , hello - I changed mind "............

Can a promise be broken 🤔🤔🤔

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