Trial, Error, Trial

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Trial, Error, Trial
That's what life's about.
I know you feel like giving up.
But don't.
Don't let what society want to shove down your throat affect you that much.
Society is just stupid people,
People who are jealous,
Jealous of you,
Jealous of your beauty,
Jealous of your intelligence,
Jealous of not being as great as you.
Feel great, proud of who you are because you are loved, envied and beautiful inside and outside.
Don't ever give up and prove to the society that you are stronger.
Then one day you'll be able to yell,
"I went through hell and came back!"
Don't give up because too much of persons care about you and love you. I love you!
Fight because life is worth living no matter how hard it gets. After the storm comes the rainbow.
I know we say easier said than done but I do understand how it feels like when giving up seems to be the best option. That's where I'm usually wrong, I can't give up, you can't give up, we can't give up!
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, trust me.
Trial, Error, Trial...

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