Chapter 1

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 Hi, my name is Rose Belikov, but my family call me Rosie. I have just finished packing my things for the next two to three months that I will be away from home starting tomorrow morning. I am 16 years old and I am going to be 17 in another couple months give or take. I am also in year 11 at a secondary school that goes by the name of Bishops Grammar Girls’ School (very original I know, mental eye roll).

So by now you may be wondering why I am leaving, most assuming that I am probably going away to visit a relative or vacation or to see a friend or a couple of nice months out, but no, none of those pleasantries for me. I am leaving my home for a while because my dad had a car accident late at night a week ago and now he is in hospital.

What happened was, he was parking into the house driveway when an animal (local people think a rabid animal) jumped into dad’s way, and as he was braking so he wouldn’t kill the animal he skidded and hit the side of our house. Most of the walls on that side of the house are now broken and will cost thousands of pounds to repair, but the good thing is that there was a witness for the local police enforcement to verify that the accident was caused by the animal, so thankfully because of that neighbour, we are entitled to get as much money as we need to repair the house, once dad gets better and is released from the hospital he's staying at in London. Although my dad is alive at this moment he has a lot of injuries that may take months to heal, and is in a coma.

Although my dad had been injured me, my mum, and my eight-year-old sister, Ally, were uninjured because we sleep in the opposite side of the house where the accident occurred.

Now my mum and sister are moving away to live with Aunty Mislay (my mum’ older sister) who lives in a three bed-roomed house in Scotland with her husband, Uncle Denial, so they are staying there. However my sister must stay with my mum because she is too scared and young to stay anywhere without mum I am now staying with my Aunty Tamsia, but she likes to be called Tami.

Tami lives in a large mansion-like house with her husband, her 16  year old son Iqram and her other son, seven years old, Ismail. My family and I live in Hertfordshire and Aunty Tamsia is the closest relative I have who lives near to my school so I am staying with her. I can’t stay with my mother and sister simply because there is no space and because of the fact that since I am older I should be the one who must stay somewhere else. Life sucks when you're the oldest one.  

So now that I am done packing, I get ready for bed. Tomorrow is going to be a big day, where I must leave my mum and sister and won’t see them again until two or more month’s time. It’s going to be hard. Must remember to wear waterproof make-up.

As I brush my teeth I think about whom I will be soon living with. Tami (she hates to be called Aunty, she thinks it makes her sound older that she looks, and trust me she looks just over mid twenties) is a nice, kind, gentle aunt, and she is a really close family friend, (my dad’s known her since they were in primary school together and her family is so tight with my family that she is practically classified as family) who offered me a place to stay since I didn’t have space to stay with Aunty Mislay.

Her sons and I don’t really talk much but on Saturdays and Sundays me and Iqram spend half the day from 10 am till 2 pm every Saturday and Sunday doing tuition at a study centre. Me and Iqram are in the same class but we don’t talk much and I always sit next to the girls so I never have to really work with him. He’s not bad, he’s the good looking type who is smart, annoyingly cocky when they want to be and fit type who look fit but are not actually all that sporty.

I put my brush down and rinse. Heading back to my bedroom, I am exhausted from all that packing, jeez getting everything you need is harder than it seems.

As sleep soon enters my mind, I welcome it with open arms, but just before I went to sleep my last conscious thought was ‘Please let the sadness not be too much to endure’.

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